Man struck by lightning in storm
Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 10, 2008
Officials say a Bogue Chitto man was struck by lightning duringa storm system that passed through Lincoln County Tuesdaynight.
Lincoln County Civil Defense Director Clifford Galey said he wasgiven information on the incident by first responders on the sceneand by the family.
“The family says he was struck by lightning, and from what wewere told we don’t know if it came in on some television equipmenthe was working on or the cell phone he was talking on,” Galeysaid.
Galey said the man, whose name has not been released, was takento King’s Daughters Medical Center. Information on the extent ofhis injuries was not available.
The family said the man was working on his satellite system whenthe lighting strike occurred. There was no damage to the home.
“Apparently from what we were told, when the call came in he wastrying to adjust the satellite,” Galey said. “The firefighterschecked out the house and said there was no damage to it.”
The storm system brought heavy winds, thunderstorms and hail,Galey said, but that the damage to property in the county was notextensive. He said a car and a home were damaged on Ramah Trail,but that was the only damage reported.
“A big cedar tree fell on their house, and then rolled off andon to the car, but the people inside were OK,” Galey said. “We sentdeputies out to talk to them and they had some roof damage andbusted windshield out of the car.”
The storm system did not escalate to tornadoes, although therewas a severe thunderstorm watch and a tornado watch at differenttimes through the evening.
“We had a couple of reports in the south part of the county ofsome little hail, and the power was out around the Ruth area for awhile,” said Galey. “But to my knowledge we didn’t have any tornadoactivity.”