Officials hope to reschedule Missoula play
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 21, 2008
Local coordinators are hoping to reschedule the MissoulaChildren’s Theatre’s “The Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe”performances after Saturday’s events were canceled due to inclementweather that moved into Brookhaven late Friday night.
Lawana Latham, chairwoman of the Brookhaven Arts Council’seducation committee, said the earliest date for the makeupperformance would be sometime in April, depending on theavailability of Missoula’s personnel as well as the availability offacilities in Brookhaven.
“We are going to do everything we can to put on the production,”Latham said.
Regarding the cancellations over the weekend, Latham saidBrookhaven School District Superintendent Lea Barrett met with theboard of education Saturday morning and, after a discussion on thecity’s weather conditions with Civil Defense, decided to close downall facilities at Brookhaven High School. Barrett was unavailablefor comment Monday.
The Missoula play was scheduled to be performed Saturday at 3p.m. and 7 p.m. at BHS. Latham said every effort was made to holdthe performances.
“We tried to work out the performance for Sunday at 1 p.m.,” shesaid. “But the Missoula directors had to leave Sunday morning to bein Tennessee, and their higher-ups told them to go ahead becausethey didn’t want the directors traveling late.”
Latham expressed appreciation to all who helped with the localeffort.
“So many people did so much to get this production under way,and I want to thank everyone who had a hand in it,” Latham said.”We’ll be working with Missoula to make this happen.”
If the peformances can be rescheduled, Latham said the same castwould be used, although some additional practices may beneeded.