Obituaries for Friday, March 28, 2008
Published 5:00 am Friday, March 28, 2008
Jake ‘Boy’ Jones
Services for Jake “Boy” Jones, of Natchez, will be held at 11a.m. on Saturday, March 29, at Second Union Baptist Church inNatchez with burial in the church cemetery. Marshall Funeral Homeis in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is Saturday from 9 a.m. until the time of the serviceat the church.
Mr. Jones, 62, died March 21, 2008, at Natchez Regional MedicalCenter. He was born in Franklin County on Oct. 16, 1945, to AnnieLee Pernell Thompson and Arthur Jones.
Preceding him in death were his parents and his brother, JohnnyEarl Jones.
Survivors are his significant other, Gloria Belton; hisdaughter, Erika Belton Bowman; his stepson, George Belton; hissisters, Juanita Jones, of Crosby and Essie Mae Montgomery, ofMcComb; his brother, Thomas Jones, of Natchez; two grandchildren;two aunts; one uncle; and a host of nieces, nephews, otherrelatives and friends.
Sharon Ruth Leggett
Services for Sharon Ruth Leggett, of Brookhaven, will be held at2 p.m. on Sunday, March 30, at Riverwood Family Funeral ServiceChapel.
Visitation is Saturday from 4 until 8 p.m. at the funeralhome.
Mrs. Leggett, 49, died March 28, 2008, at her residence. She wasborn on Aug. 2, 1958, to Aaron Tremon McCullar and Norma JeanHickman.
She was the branch office administrator at Edward Jones for 121/2 years. She was a member of Macedonia Baptist Church. She was amember of the Brookhaven Chapter No. 1 Order of the Eastern Star. Aformer ambassador of the Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber ofCommerce, she was honored as an Ambassador of the Year. She was anavid Harley-Davidson fan and loved riding her own Harley with herhusband.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her maternalgrandparents, John B. Oxford and Ruth Oxford; her paternalgrandparents, Aaron T. McCullar and Augusta McCullar; and herfather-in-law, Frank E. Leggett.
Survivors are her husband, Frank E. “Bub” Leggett, ofBrookhaven; her sons, Christopher M. Leggett and wife Erika, ofBrookhaven, and Brian Garrett, of Chester, Va.; her daughter,Tiffany Smith and fiance Randy Bowman, of Brookhaven; her brothers,John W. McCullar and wife Carrie, of Dayton, Texas, and MitchellHickman Jr., of Irondale, Ala.; her sisters, Marie Daniels andhusband Milton, and Carol Evans and husband Kenneth, all ofBrookhaven; her brother-in-law, James Leggett and wife Tracey, ofBrookhaven; her sister-in-law, Becky Murray and husband Marty, ofRipley; and her seven grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American CancerSociety or the Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital.
Anabel D. Smith
Services for Anabel D. Smith, of Brookhaven, will be held at 2p.m. on Saturday, March 29, at Harrigill Funeral Home Chapel withburial in Rosehill Cemetery.
Visitation is Friday from 5 until 9 p.m. at the funeralhome.
Mrs. Smith, 100, died March 27, 2008, at Haven Hall Health CareCenter. She was born in Wesson on April 22, 1907, to John AlvahRedden and Eula Mae Sproles Redden.
She was retired. She worked at Stahl-Urban Garment Factory andwas a seamstress for many years. She was an active member of FirstUnited Methodist Church, Eastern Star, and enjoyed sewing andgardening.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husbands, JohnieDickerson and Virgil Smith; her brothers, Garland Redden and J.W.Redden; her sisters, Carrie Mae Lewis and Grace BurnetteJordan.
Survivors are her sister, Imogene Crowley and husband Forrest,of Brookhaven; her niece, Linda Jean Parsons, of Brookhaven; andher great-niece, Rebecca Lynn Kimble, of Brookhaven.
Logan ‘Woody’ Wood Sr.
Services for Logan “Woody” Wood Sr., of Monticello, 76, diedMarch 26, 2008, at G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center inJackson. He was born on July 4, 1931, to Bruce Wood and Selfa MayBland.
Riverwood Family Funeral Service will handle arrangements.
He was a contractor and a member of the Church of God ofProphecy in Monticello. He served in the United States AirForce.
Preceding him in death were his parents; his wife, Violet A.Wood; his brother, Bruce M. Wood; and his sister, Francis Wood.
Survivors are his son, Logan E. Wood Jr., of Palmyra, Ind.; hisdaughter, Rhonda W. Roe, of Monticello; his six grandchildren and16 great-grandchildren.