Woman pleads guilty in Nov. 2006 killing
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 18, 2008
A Brookhaven woman faces sentencing Friday after pleading guiltyto manslaughter before Judge David Strong in Lincoln County CircuitCourt Tuesday.
Lawanda Dillon, 31, of 621 Booker Ave., was indicted last Aprilon a murder charge stemming from a November 2006 incident in whichshe allegedly ran over her boyfriend during a domestic dispute.
Dillon was charged in the death of 32-year-old Boris E. Jackson,also of Brookhaven. Dillon allegedly ran over Jackson with her caras he was walking down Turner Street late on the evening of Nov.17. He was pronounced dead on the scene.
Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson said at the time of theincident that the dispute appeared to be a domestic one, as Dillonand Jackson were romantically involved.
Dillon’s case was scheduled to go to trial Tuesday, but she pleadedguilty before it began.
Assistant District Attorney Diane Jones said she is not at libertyto comment on the case prior to sentencing. Dillon’s attorney,Sylvia Owens of Tupelo, was not available for comment.