Senior citizens center has great potential for community
Published 5:00 am Monday, August 25, 2008
Senior citizens will have a new place to congregate once thecity completes construction of a senior center for which fundingassistance was approved recently.
The center is to be located on the city’s parking lot north ofthe government complex between it and First Baptist Church. Fundingfor the project is coming from a $490,000 Community DevelopmentBlock Grant and $350,000 that the city has set aside for thecenter.
The center, to be maintained by the Brookhaven RecreationDepartment, can be wonderful addition to city services. And itscentral location should make it easily accessible for citizens fromall parts of town.
Under a previous administration, the parking lot property wasenvisioned as the site for a new City Hall. Those plans, however,ultimately were abandoned.
The senior citizens center – provided it is designed to blendand mesh well with the surrounding area – represents a far betteruse for the property.
The center has the potential to be a facility that many peoplecan enjoy and one for which all citizens can be proud.