Operation Blessing scheduled for Saturday
Published 5:00 am Monday, October 20, 2008
The Brookhaven Outreach Ministry is asking those in need ofblankets, food, winter clothing and other items to get theirtickets to Saturday’s Operation Blessing workshop early, since notickets will be available at the door.
Operation Blessing is a program, which is operated through theBrookhaven Outreach Ministries, that helps the needy with suppliesfor winter.
Outreach Ministry founder Bro. Jerry Durr said there is ascreening process to determine need based on income level. He saidwith the economic climate being as bad as it has been for quitesome time, he and other Operation Blessing officials are expectingto see more need this year than in some years previous.
“Since the economy is in such a state, we’re trying to meet theneeds of as many of those people as we can,” he said.
Durr said the program starts with a workshop Saturday from 9a.m. to noon at the Outreach Ministries’ distribution center at 101E. Court St. Workshop attendees will need to present their ticketswhen picking up their items on Saturday, Durr said.
Any leftover items will be distributed on a first come, firstserved basis.
Tickets, he said, can be picked up all week at the distributioncenter, the Department of Human Services or the South CentralMississippi Food Bank.
Tickets need to be gotten early, as there will be none availablethe day of the workshop, Durr said. They will be redeemable forwinter supplies such as coats, blankets, winter clothing, fooditems, toiletries, cleaning supplies and other household items.
“We also solicit the community to help us if they have items orresources to donate,” Durr said. “This year we expect to have quitea few more people, so we’re happy to take any and all donations tothe project.”
Donations can be dropped off at the Brookhaven OutreachMinistries.
Attendees to the workshop will need at least an hour, so thelatest they will be allowed to arrive is 11 a.m.
Durr said Brookhaven Outreach Ministries has sponsored andorganized Operation Blessing for around 28 years as one of theirmany outreach programs to address group and community needs, ratherthan focusing on individuals. Future events include their annualThanksgiving and Christmas giveaway programs.
“Our busiest season begins now and continues through December,”Durr said.
The ministry also offers a variety of daily individual servicesfrom medical care to providing food and clothing to the lessfortunate.
Those who need more information about the Outreach Ministries,Operation Blessing or donating supplies can call Durr at (601)833-1350.