MSA comedy opens Wednesday

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Something called “The Crazy Grandmothers Club” was theinspiration for a play that will be performed Wednesday throughSaturday night at the Mississippi School of the Arts.

“Moving Out on Tuesday” is a family comedy about a teenager,written by literary arts senior Patti Brummett of Oxford, saidLiterary Arts Director Jean LeBow. The production includes workfrom all four disciplines of the arts: literary, theater, visualand vocal.

Brummett said she started writing the play in February butdidn’t complete the work until the show was cast.

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“I had to actually see it acted out for the first time to knowif it was going to work,” she said.

The story revolves around a teenaged girl named Tuesday whoworries nobody loves her because her parents are divorcing andshe’s being shuffled around, Brummett said.

“She ends up with the quirky side of her family, which brings ona whole series of misfortunes for her,” she said.

Many of the misfortunes center around her grandmother, acharacter inspired by the stories of several of Brummett’sfriends.

“We had a crazy grandma club,” she said. “A bunch of my friendshad crazy grandmothers that tried to kill them … like one whosegrandmother tried to poison her with arsenic one time, and I tookall the stories and kind of toned it down and made them all into(Tuesday’s grandmother) Joan.”

The show is a part of Brummett’s senior project, LeBow said,though it is not the only part.

“They have to do a portfolio and read from their works, thenthey have to do something to take it one step further, andsometimes that’s a presentation where they have to do a joint showwith one of the visual arts students, and some are working to bepublished,” she said.

And some are putting on plays.

The show runs Wednesday through Friday, Nov. 12-14 at theGallery/ Conference Room of the Johnson Institute at MSA. There islimited seating, and tickets are $1 for MSA students and $3 fornon-students. Anyone interested in more information may call (601)823-1317.