Charity efforts need help when helping others

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 18, 2008

With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away and Christmas not farbehind, local charitable organizations and efforts are kicking intohigh gear in order to help those less fortunate during theholidays.

And with the tough economic times we are all living it, thenumber of people struggling to make ends meet and falling into theless fortunate category is growing. Therefore in many cases, theneeds are greater and the importance of answering calls forassistance more critical.

On a per capita basis, Mississippians annually rank among themost charitable people in the country. And Brookhaven is blessed tohave a variety of organizations designed to capitalize on citizens’good will and to spread joy and help at this time of year.

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Children are often the first ones thought of during Christmas.In Brookhaven, there are multiple ways for people to help children- both here and around the world – have a happy holiday.

The Junior Auxiliary has put up Wish Trees at several locationsfor people to “adopt” a child for Christmas. Two organizations,Toys for Tots and a new group Toys for Needy Tots, have beenworking hard in their efforts to spread joy locally, and churches,schools and other entities are participating in “OperationChristmas Child” efforts to send shoeboxes filled with goodies tochildren abroad.

For those who want to help but who may not be able to take on afamily or a child, charitable organizations are more than happy tojust take a financial contribution. Some efforts are focused solelyon raising money for holiday help.

For instance, The DAILY LEADER is again partnering with the Bankof Brookhaven to raise money for three local charities’ foodpantries. The annual holiday fundraising drive, which startsMonday, will help the pantries at Brookhaven Outreach Ministries,St. Francis of Assisi and Union Hall Baptist Church.

A familiar sight during the holidays are Salvation Army kettlesand accompanying bell-ringers, volunteers for which are currentlybeing sought. Helping the Salvation Army effort is as simple asdropping spare change in the kettle while entering or leaving thehost business.

Brookhaven has many charitable efforts – both formal andinformal – that focus on helping people at this time of year. Theirgoal is not to seek fame or acclaim for their good work, but merelyto brighten the holidays for those less fortunate than they.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are among the most joyous occasionsof the year. Helping charitable causes help others is a wonderfulway to let those in need share in the holiday joy.