3 charged in killing of county man
Published 5:00 am Friday, May 22, 2009
Three Brookhaven men were arrested Thursday and charged witharmed robbery and capital murder in the Wednesday afternoonshooting death of a 21-year old Lincoln County man, authoritiessaid.
James Braswell, 21, of 2429 Heuck’s Retreat Road, was pronounceddead from gunshot wounds at King’s Daughters Medical CenterWednesday afternoon. Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson saidBraswell was shot when he and two female passengers in his vehiclewere involved in an alleged drug deal on Jennifer Street.
Henderson said Latonio Terrell Hamilton, 17, of 1067 Union St.;Tyqwan L. Berry, 20, of 100 Fred Walley Drive, Apt. 11D ; andMarvin L. Truss, 19, of 779 Saints Trail were being held in theLincoln County jail Friday morning. Bond has not been set.
Even though Hamilton is a minor, Henderson said he will becharged as an adult.
Police said the confrontation occurred between Braswell and themen as Braswell sat in his car. As he attempted to drive away, thesuspects allegedly fired into the vehicle, killing him.
“From the information we ascertained, this was not a randomsituation where there were people driving down the street and theywere flagged down and robbed and shot,” Henderson said. “Everythingwe’ve got points toward drugs.”
Henderson said Braswell and his passengers had met up with hisalleged attackers on Union Street earlier that day, where they weretold to come to Jennifer Street to complete a drug transaction.
Police want to reassure the public, however, that the incidentinvolving Braswell and his passengers was an isolatedsituation.
“People don’t have to worry that they’ll be driving down UnionStreet and be pulled over and robbed,” Henderson said. “That didnot happen, and it will not happen. This is the outcome of a drugdeal that was already arranged.”