Nightclub owner denies raid charges

Published 5:00 am Friday, May 22, 2009

A nightclub owner said he and his wife were wrongfully accusedwhen the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office and the AttorneyGeneral’s Office conducted a raid on his business last weekend.

Dennis “Bo” and Betty McCaffery were charged with allowingprostitution at their business following a raid that also revealedalleged sale of drugs, illegal alcohol, as well as gamblingcharges.

Dennis McCaffery said his bar and strip club, “Bo’s Hideaway,”is something he has sacrificed almost everything he has for. Hesaid he would not knowingly have compromised his livelihood byallowing drugs or illegal alcohol or gambling in his business.

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But more importantly, McCaffery said, he always told hisstrippers not to engage in prostitution inside his business. He hadrecently hired a group of girls from Jackson, though, that hadbegun to make him nervous.

He said he asked a sheriff’s deputy who frequented his businessto keep an eye out for anything illegal, even if he had to bring inundercover officers.

“I asked him to put undercover officers in there two monthsago,” McCaffery said. “I asked them to bring the drug dogs in thereif they wanted to. I want to keep my place clean, bottom line.”

The drug and alcohol arrests were all made on customers,McCaffery said, adding that none of his bartenders or waitresseswere charged in any wrongdoing. He also said he did have somestrippers that were not charged with prostitution.

“And the gambling was just one of those little cherry machinesto give (Betty McCaffery) something to do until the customers comein,” he said. “It doesn’t even pay out. It’s never paid nary anickel to nobody.”

McCaffery said he felt like the raid could have been a setupsince there is competition with another local night spot in thearea – and that he had been a taxpaying business owner in JeffersonCounty for 13 years – as Bo’s Hideaway and the Blue Goose were onceone in the same until he built his new building.

“I’ve scratched together everything I have to get thisbuilding,” he said. “I have good bands and good people in there.Anyone who knows me knows this is a crock of bull.”

McCaffery has fired all his employees who were charged and hasenlisted the services of a lawyer.

“If I was guilty, I’d pay the fine,” he said.