Bumgarner, Jinks on MML directors board
Published 5:00 am Thursday, September 3, 2009
Mayor Les Bumgarner has been aiming high in his first few monthsin office, making a list of long-term plans and goals. But he hasalso been recognized by colleagues with an appointment to the2009-10 Board of Directors for the Mississippi MunicipalLeague.
“That’s quite an honor for Brookhaven,” Bumgarner said. “I wasalderman at large for eight years, so I know a lot of people upthere, but this is quite an honor for me as a first-year mayor andfor Brookhaven.”
City Clerk Mike Jinks is also a MML board member, appointed lastyear and reappointed for the 2009-10 year. He said when he firstwas appointed to the board, he had served on the legislativecommittee and saw it as a chance to give back to the MML.
“I had been on the legislative committee for several years, andI felt I had some insight as a city clerk, because there’s not alot of city clerks on the board of directors,” he said. “Most ofthe board members are mayors and aldermen, and I felt I had thingsto contribute.”
Bumgarner and Jinks were notified of the honor by a letter fromCorinth Mayor Jerry Latch, who is currently serving as the MMLpresident.
“Our board must provide strong, vigorous leadership to involveour municipalities in state affairs,” Latch wrote. “Accepting thisappointment indicates your eagerness and desire to do workactively.”
The board’s first meeting is Sept. 18, Bumgarner said, and heplans to attend. He said not only is it an honor, but it’s anopportunity to network for Brookhaven among state leaders.
“These people meet with legislators and government officials,”he said. “It gets your foot in the door at a lot of places youwouldn’t be otherwise. I’m excited about that.”
Jinks said it is for that reason that the MML board of directorsis so important. They represent the 2,000 or more members of theMML in front of higher government officials.
“You’re really able to oversee problems and issues all over thestate when you have a good variety of representatives fromdifferent areas of the state,” he said. “You can make decisions notjust based on one certain issue in one city, that but affect allthe municipalities in the state.”
Bumgarner said he’s excited about the opportunity to representthe city, and plans to use it to network to better the state, butespecially Brookhaven.
“I’m honored for myself, and for Brookhaven,” he said. “I hopeto represent us well.”