Families, home major blessings at Thanksgiving

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 25, 2009

There is no denying that 2009 has been a challenging year forfamilies in Mississippi and all across the country.

The tough economic times of the last few years have continuedseemingly unabated in 2009. Some families are just now beingimpacted due to the sudden loss of a job or other hardships whilefor other families’ conditions have worsened through continuedadversity.

In the face of those troubles, it may seem odd to take time aswe will Thursday to give thanks for the many blessings we have andcontinue to enjoy in this country. But that is exactly what we needto do.

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Regardless of whatever trials we are facing, we can still takecomfort in knowing that we live in the greatest country on the faceof the earth.

Our freedoms and collective prosperity have made us targets ofboth envy and scorn by others in the world. While some countriesendeavor to emulate our economic success, others see us in adifferent light.

On an individual basis, although some may argue their value isdiminishing, virtues like hard work, education and integrity arestill rewarded for those who are willing to put forth the effort.We all can be thankful for the individual innovators who havestruggled and succeeded and made lives better in the process.

For those who are less fortunate, this community and others havegood-hearted people and charitable organizations that are willingto pitch in and lend a hand to friends and neighbors in need. Theyare a true blessing of Thanksgiving, and they themselves feelblessed to be able to help.

Perhaps the most important aspect of Thanksgiving, though, isfamily and home.

A Burmese proverb says that “in time of test, family is best.”We all face tests from time to time – perhaps now more so than ever- but family remains the strongest support system for dealing withour various difficulties.

We would do well to remember our blessings of family, friendsand freedoms Thursday as we gather to celebrate a uniquely Americanholiday. Happy Thanksgiving!