Ole Brook
Published 12:47 pm Monday, April 12, 2010
While spring formally arrived with snow flurries, these last fewdays have been warm, breezy and perfect to accomplish all thethings on your “to-do” list. I hope all of you had a blessedEaster. I think it will be safe to plant things in your yards. Mygrandmother said to never plant anything until after Easter becausethere will always be a “cool snap.” This year the cool snap wasabout 80 degrees.
It’s also time to plan those summer vacations. Be sure to contactme about your travels and we will all enjoy and share the detailsof your fun.
One group recently enjoyed a trip to Italy and Greece. Durr Walkerled a group of local and out of town folks. The tour began in Italywith a visit to Venice, which had a dusting of snow! This had notoccurred for the last 18 years. The group toured Rome and theVatican City and reported that the weather was sunny and moredelightful each day.
The world travelers cruised to the islands of Poros and Aegina aswell and having tours of Athens and its surrounding areas. Thedistance one-way from Brookhaven was 6,000 miles. Talking about aget away.
While Durr was in Europe, Pat Walker spent part of her springholidays in Frisco, Texas, visiting her daughter Leigh Anne Betts,her husband Ross, and of course her middle grandson, John RossBetts.
Once again baseball and softball season has started in our area.Hundreds of youth participate in this every summer and it is such awonderful activity for the entire family although I don’t see howsome families are able to run from field to field. That’s wheregrandparents and aunts and uncles fill in the gaps.
April birthday greetings go out to C.V. Rushing, Anna Beth Caves,Erica Bridwell, Jay Hall, Pat Bramlette, Madeline Balkcom, TreyWooten, Frankie Montgomery, Mildred Stokes, Sharon Calhoun, WillenaSmith, Hayden Wall, Christy Covington, April Hall, and a specialhappy birthday to my son, Tate Nations!
Happy anniversary to Carl and Nikki Diamond.
Quote of the week: “I’ve learned that even when I have pains, Idon’t have to be one.” – Maya Angelou.
If you have any Ole Brook area news to report, contact Debbie Keeneat 601-669-4342 or debbo@hotmail.com. Please put Ole Brook News insubject line.