Union Church
Published 7:45 pm Monday, May 17, 2010
Mother’s Day brought a good attendance and beautiful mothers andtheir children last Sunday. The pastor preached a message about anexample of an excellent mother, Dorcas, from Acts 9:36-41.
As I listened to her qualities I thought of examples of excellentmothers in our community – people who “do their jobs withdedication, commitment and sacrifice.” We all have had motherswhose advice and love follow us wherever we go whether they arestill here or make their homes in heaven. These are women ofcharacter, full of God’s love and with caring that doesn’t stop atthe front door of home. They have a reputation of a ministry infamily, community and church and influence that still exists nomatter where we are.
My son recently wrote about being home on April 25 with me when wewent to Sarah Beth’s Spring Concert at Mississippi College.
He asked the question, “When is Mother’s Day?”
His last remark, “I reckon Mother’s Day came on April 25 this yearfor me. The calendar did not say so, but love did.”
Anyway, I applaud the job all you mothers are doing this year eventhough this column will reach you after we have celebrated Mother’sDay.
May birthdays celebrated in our community are Marinia Smith,Brandon Whitehead, Annaleigh White, Brad Cupit, Logan and JordanPorter and Morris Henderson. Happy anniversary to Cecil and KayeColey.
Web and Virgene had a scary weekend recently when the storms werebrewing over Mississippi. They were at Starkville at a Samboree intheir motor home when everyone had to leave their rigs and go intoa large building for safety. However, they enjoyed the some 200brave souls who had traveled from all over the state.
Vacation Bible School this year is June 9-12. A planning meetingwas held last Monday to organize and pray for this special time.Also, Union Church Baptists are planning their annual revivalAugust 1-4 with Jon Daniels preaching and Jerry Peaglermusician.
On June 19, our ladies will have an all-day conference with BeckyBrown speaking. She is a well known author, composer, musician andspeaker, so ladies, don’t miss this opportunity to be with us andbecome closer to our Lord as a result.
I received a news bulletin from Dr. Joe Martin, Presbyterian pastorabout his children who are missionaries to Austria. They will besoon moving to Linz, upper Austria where they will begin a new teamamong refugees. Pray for their ministry and the people they willwork with in Austria.
As a great-grandmother, I had a wonderful weekend celebrating ourbaby’s first birthday. Riley is a joyful little boy and lifts myspirits to heights words can’t comprehend. His big sister, Laila,had the time of her life at the party, too. Then on Mother’s Day Iwas with daughter, Becky, and her family and was able to see myother great, Jadon. Phone calls from children and grandchildrenmade my day complete. How blessed can a mother be?
I close reflecting on the following quote: “Your talent is God’sgift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” – LouBuscaglia.
If you have any Union Church area news to report, contact ErleneHudson at 601-786-3079 or e-mail ehudsonb@aol.com.