Food pantry drive again aims to help those in need
Published 7:00 pm Sunday, November 21, 2010
With the holiday season getting started in earnest withThanksgiving on Thursday, now is the time for those of us who havemany reasons to be thankful to think about those with less.
Food is the focus again this year as The DAILY LEADER and Bank ofBrookhaven team up for the Holiday Food Pantry Drive.
Thanks to the generosity of thoughtful readers and residents, sixprevious collaborations have generated a total of more than $41,000to benefit three local food pantries. The food pantries atBrookhaven Outreach Ministries, St. Francis of Assisi/St. VincentDePaul and Union Hall Baptist Church have in turn used thesecontributions to assist thousands of people in need during theholidays and throughout the year.
Clubs, groups, businesses and individuals may make donations to thedrive by visiting the newspaper office at 128 North Railroad Ave.,or the Bank of Brookhaven at 411 Brookway Boulevard, to hand offcash or checks. Checks should be made out to the Holiday FoodPantry. No food items will be accepted – the drive will raise moneyonly.
All those who contribute to the drive will be tracked along withtheir donation totals on the front page of The DAILY LEADER untilthe drive concludes next month. Contributors may choose to remainanonymous.
With the economy still in a down state, the needs this year aregreat. A great response from the public will go a long way towardhelping make the holidays a little brighter for those in need.