Resolving to be patient during 2011
Published 7:00 pm Sunday, January 2, 2011
It is time to breathe a collective sigh of relief.
The holidays have come and gone once again with all the flurryof activity to prepare for them. It has been wonderful. I’ve reallyenjoyed the quiet moments of reflecting on the season and thosethat we love.
Now is the time to slow down, make an assessment of last year,and map out our plans for 2011.
Many of us have made our New Year’s Resolutions, and some of ushave already broken them.
My resolution for the upcoming year is to be more patient.
In my columns, I like to try to be at least mostly positive, asmy nature is – for the most part – happy and upbeat.
I will readily admit that having patience is my weakness andrealize that I truly need to work on this.
However, I want to challenge the people who are the reasoningbehind my resolution to not be the reason that I fail at keeping myresolution.
Yes, people who love to block the aisle at the grocery stores,park in front of gas pumps instead of designated parking spotswhile running inside to buy refreshments, and slowly fumblingthrough your purse/wallet looking for money to pay after all youritems have been rung up, I’m talking to you.
My poor oldest daughter sweetly reminds me every time we pull upin front of various stores to please not get grumpy if the aislesare blocked, or if we get cut off by someone who obviously doesn’tknow where they are going.
I make a very concerted effort to stick to my guns and becheerful. But admittedly, there is a large amount of biting mytongue that goes with every shopping trip.
But, honestly, why do some people think that it is perfectlyacceptable to block an aisle with their buggies to visit withsomeone when they can very easily move to the side so that the restof us may continue down the aisle?
I’ve been told that the whole “store as a social function” is aSouthernism. I beg to disagree. I’m as Southern as they come. Ifind that, for the most part, true Southerners are considerate andthoughtful.
I’m a very organized and type A shopper. I don’t enjoy venturinginto large crowds, or milling about aimlessly looking at items thatI have no intention of buying. I’m more in line with the make alist, stick to it, get in and get out shopping experience – a truewoman on a mission.
When the cashier is ringing up my purchases, I am very aware ofthe fact that at the end of the transaction comes the predictablepart where I am expected to pay.
It isn’t a surprise, or a change of process. It is a very simplething to have my wallet out and be prepared to pay.
The mind boggles at people who look surprised when the cashierlooks at them expectantly when this point of the transactionbegins. Then comes the fumbling through their purse, pulling outthe checkbook and slowly writing out the check.
Another pet peeve that I’ve mentioned is the people who ignorethe obvious parking spaces to the sides of gas stations and pull upin front of the pumps, not to purchase gas, but to run inside forother purposes, leaving the pumps blocked to those of us who dowant to buy gas.
Of course it isn’t much fun to have to walk that additional 15steps to the door, but for the sake of being considerate, I thinkit can be worth it.
This year I promise to stick to my resolution to be morepatient, if others will try to keep a resolution of being aware oftheir surroundings and making a bit more effort just to be morethoughtful to those around them.
I’ll play nice. I promise.
Lifestyles Editor Rachel Brumfield can be reached at The DAILYLEADER at 601-833-6961 ext 134, by e-mail or you can write to her at P.O. Box 551,Brookhaven MS 39602.