Public has opportunity to shape election questions
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, May 1, 2011
As the August 2 party primaries draw closer, The DAILY LEADER isgearing up for pre-election coverage and asking for our readershelp in the effort.
As in previous elections, the newspaper is looking to quizcandidates in certain races on topics of local interests.
But what races and what topics are most important? That is whereyou come in.
We are inviting readers to submit questions to us for consideration of inclusion in ourcandidate queries. Questions should pertain to local topics, begeneral in nature and not geared toward any specificcandidate.
Once questions are chosen, they will be sent out to candidates toget their responses. The questions and candidates’ answers will bepublished in editions prior to the election.
Candidates’ responses will serve as a valuable tool in helpingvoters to make their decisions in the primary and November generalelection.