Assisted living center another plus for area
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, May 29, 2011
Yet another part of the Brookhaven-Lincoln County communityappears now to be traveling on the road to economicbetterment.
With Thursday’s groundbreaking for the Morning Star Assisted LivingCenter, a much-needed facility to serve this area’s senior citizensis moving closer to reality. Work on the approximately $7 millionfacility is expected to start in about three weeks and be completedin around a year.
As one of Mississippi’s Certified Retirement Communities,Brookhaven and Lincoln County must be have the facilities to meetthe needs of retirees and senior citizens. The new downtownfacility will go a long way toward filling a void in thecommunity’s ability to attract those who may need such aplace.
Furthermore, in addition to attracting those from other areas, sucha facility has been needed by senior citizens already livinghere.
Previously, loved ones of those in need of assisted living servicesfaced the probability of have to send them elsewhere. That, ofcourse, was not desirable for those who then would have to travelsometimes-great distances to see their older family members or forcommunity leaders looking to improve this community’s profile withseniors and retirees.
Another assisted living facility for near the hospital has beenproposed, but its future is somewhat uncertain at this point.
Nevertheless, the senior living center in downtown joins a newmental health facility, which also broke ground this week, and somenew retail store plans as reasons for community optimism. Whilethose facilities may be targeted for specific clientele, thecommunity as a whole can reap the benefits in the long run.