Party leaders make plans for August primaries
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, July 10, 2011
Republican and Democratic leaders inLincoln County are working to ensure their parties are prepared forthe Aug. 2 primary elections.
“We just want to be sure we get a fair election. That’s the mainthing,” said Helen Funk, chairwoman of the Lincoln CountyDemocratic Executive Committee.
Both parties have secured almost all the required poll workers,lacking only three or four apiece.
A minimum of three poll workers is required at each of LincolnCounty’s 32 voting precincts: a box manager, a clerk and a bailiff.However, county representatives of both parties indicated a desireto have more than the required three at more populousprecincts.
The Aug. 2 primaries are the responsibility of the respectiveparties, which must furnish poll workers and certify the electionresults. The circuit clerk’s office counts the votes and furnishesthe parties with the results.
Both parties will see some new faces among poll workers thisyear.
“One thing that we have tried to do it get younger peopleinvolved,” Funk said.
She indicated that some successhas been achieved with the goal, a goal that is partially one ofnecessity. Some longtime poll workers have not returned thisyear.
For his part, John Roberts, chairman of the Lincoln CountyRepublican Executive Committee, is determined to increaseenthusiasm for his party among both voters and poll workers.
“We’re determined that Republicans run the Republican side of thetable,” Roberts said.
Both parties will schedule training sessions for poll workers oncethey have obtained all the needed volunteers. Residents interestedin working as poll workers should contact the Lincoln Countycircuit clerk’s office at 601-835-3435.