Student hit by vehicle in a.m. mishap
Published 6:00 pm Thursday, August 18, 2011
An Enterprise Attendance Centerkindergartener was struck by a vehicle Thursday on County Farm Roadaround 7:30 a.m. during a school bus stop, officials said.
Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing said the department respondedto the call where they found the child “alert and conscious” at thescene.
Rushing said the 5-year-old, whose identity was not released, wastaken to King’s Daughters Medical Center emergency room where hewas being X-rayed. No further information could be given about thestudent’s injuries, and there were no other injuries reported inthe accident.
“He was hit by the side of a vehicle,” Rushing said. “He wasgetting ready to cross the road to get on the school bus.”
All of the details of the incident are still being determined andclarified, according to Rushing. The sheriff’s department is in theprocess of gathering witness statements to determine exactly whathappened.
The car that allegedly struck the student was a black, two-doorSaturn coupe driven by 19-year-old Jacquelyne Crotwell, ofBrookhaven, according to the sheriff’s department.
Enterprise Principal Shannon Eubanks said it was a terribleaccident.
“I’ve talked with the student’s family, and he seems to be doingOK,” he said. “Under the circumstances, it could have been a lotworse. We feel for everyone involved in it. It was just a terrible,terrible accident.”
Rushing and Eubanks both emphasized the need for the public to bemore aware of the roads – especially when school buses are around -now that school has begun.
“We’ve already had a report of someone passing a school bus out inthe county,” Rushing said. “Just be alert when kids are loading onbuses at stops. Be aware especially if the bus is stopped, but takeextra precaution when they’re getting ready to stop because thereare going to be kids in the area.”
Eubanks echoed Rushing’s warning.
“There are two groups of people who really need to be alert,”Eubanks said. “Obviously, people who are driving always need tomindful and aware when the buses are out.
“And parents whose children ride buses have to reinforce with theirkids that they do not cross the street to get on the bus until thebus is completely stopped and the stop sign flips out.”
Eubanks went on to say all drivers and people need to be defensivewhen out on the roads.
“You can’t assume someone is paying attention and doing whatthey’re supposed to do,” he said. “Assume the worst and that wayyou don’t have this incident (this morning).
“Regardless of the fault, or if there even is fault, we’ve got tobe safer.”