9/11 time to remember, say thanks
Published 1:27 am Sunday, September 11, 2011
Dear Editor:
I appreciate writing to the paper to encourage us in our walk orperhaps to challenge us to be more helpful. Today, thinking of theheroes of 9/11, I want to use most of this space to thank churchmembers and local heroes who do their work bettering others. Ofcourse, it will be a spot-check, a random thanking.
Church members are coming outside, seeing needs beyond their ownservice areas in the community with thrift stores, outreach,working with Habitat, cancer cares, tutoring children, planningevents and sports. Churches are reaching beyond our town, buildingchurches, going on mission trips – young people being part of thegreater good.
Oh, wow, there are so many people, whether paid or volunteers, whowork for the good of Brookhaven! As we go towards town we pass afire station. The firefighters play cards but are suddenlygalvanized into action to become valiant fighters to save a houseor an accident victim, not caring for themselves like the 9/11firefighters. Then downtown are police and sheriff cars waiting forthe officer to speed to a crime or accident. Police Chief PapHenderson, Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Rushing and jail keepersare helping to keep order in our town. We’re by the GovernmentComplex, rooms busy with those working for us. Toward the edge oftown are offices of doctors, the hospital of a large staff caringfor our bodies and well-being.
On television we are reminded of the heroes of our country, whounflinchingly met the challenge of the terrorist attackers in NewYork, the Pentagon and the heroes on the plane over Pennsylvania.How proud we are of them, how thankful and eternally grateful! Thiscelebration has warmed our cold hearts and made us rememberfreedoms.
I love Brookhaven, problems and all. By the light in us we candispel a little darkness – by “How are you?” or “Thank you,” oreven a smile or a pat. May we more and more hear Jesus say, “Thefields are ripe for harvest.”
Keith McDaniel