Council seeks local artists for October show
Published 6:00 pm Sunday, September 25, 2011
In October, the Lincoln County Library’sart gallery won’t be imported.
The Lincoln County Art Show will exclusively feature local artistsand be on display at the library from Oct. 3 until Oct. 29.
“It generally is a very good show. We have quite a lot of talent inour area,” said Caroline Kluge, chairperson of the Lincoln CountyArts Council.
Local artists who want to see their work in the show should procurean entry from by contacting Kluge and bring their work along withentry forms to the library on Oct. 1 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.Artwork must be retrieved on Oct. 29.
“We try to register everybody and hang it that day” Kluge said.
Artists can enter up to three pieces at $5 per entry. Interestedartists can contact Kluge by phone at 601-833-9963 or by e-mail
The word “local” has a little flexibility here. Kluge said artistsfrom McComb and elsewhere in the southern part of the state oftenparticipate.
The categories accepted by the show are water, oil and acrylic,pastel and drawing, photography and 3D and mixed media, whichincludes sculpture.
Artists should not expect, though, to just pack up their work as isand show up.
“We have pretty strictregulations about framing,” Kluge said.
All work must be framed and come equipped with wire hangings.Sawtooth hangers are not allowed. Work must be no heaver than 20pounds and no larger than 48 inches in any direction.
Work will be judged for prizes for the top winners. A monetaryaward will be given for best of show and for the winner of eachcategory. Second, third, and honorable mention winners will receiveawards.
Bob Pennebaker will serve as this year’s judge of the entries.Pennebaker is the chair of the visual arts department and associateprofessor of art at Belhaven University.
Last year’s competition saw about 150 entries, Kluge said. She doesnot know how many to anticipate this year, though.
“The year before (last year) seemed to be slacking off a littlebit,” Kluge said. “We kind of have to wait and see.”
A reception will be held for all the artists on Oct. 13 from 4:30p.m. to 7 p.m.
Kluge is looking not just to local artists but the area as a wholeto help make the event a success.
“We are looking forward to a good show, hope the whole communitywill turn out and support us,” she said.
Members of the public will have the opportunity to scope out thework for additions to their private collections. Displayed workwill be for sale, but Kluge said potential buyers should contactthe artists directly to discuss details.
Kluge approaches her position with the Arts Council and herleadership of the local art show as an artist herself. She works ina number of mediums, including colored pencil and sketches.
It’s not a recent interest for her.
“I don’t remember the first time I picked up a pencil, I’ve justbeen doing it all my life,” she said.