Tour of Homes returns for ’11 holiday season
Published 7:00 pm Sunday, November 20, 2011
After a one-year hiatus, the BrookhavenTour of Homes will return this year in time for the holidayseason.
Rita Rich, Lincoln County Historical and Genealogical Societypresident, said the community is excited for the beloved event.
“People love the tour,” she said. “Especially the Christmas tour.So we decided to do it this year. It helps people get in theChristmas mood.”
She explained even folks from out of town come to tour theBrookhaven homes. She said a good estimate of the number of peoplewho go on the tour is 150, but “it could be more, could beless.”
“I love it,” she continued. “And I love the city and love topromote its people and its business and industries as well, butespecially our homes.”
Rich said she usually asks people if they would like to offer theirhomes for the tour, but most say “no.” She said the people who endup on the tour are the ones who approach her asking if they canparticipate.
The Tour of Homes is set for Saturday, Dec. 3, from 5 p.m. to 9p.m.
The stops included on this year’s tour are 402 Natchez Ave., homeof Dean and Carla Snider; 1103 Kraner Lane, home of Wesley andLeWaire Waycaster; 305 Westside Lane, home of Dr. Michael and LeahStewart; 1125 Kraner Lane, home of Dr. Mack and Amy Baker; and theFirst Presbyterian Church at the corner of Jackson and Chickasawstreets.
Rich said the church is included on the tour because it iscurrently for sale, and she thought people may be interested inseeing the inside of it.
“It’s been on the tour in the past, but a lot of people haven’tbeen in it for years,” she said. “It’s one of the older churches inBrookhaven, and I thought it might be of interest.”
Rich also said a special food drive will be held at the Bakerhome.
“We’re asking people to donate non-perishable food items at theBaker home for church pantries in the area,” Rich said. “It’s anewly renovated town house, and a lot of people haven’t been ableto see their home with all the amenities. It’s a great house. We’readding a little something to it with the canned goods.”
Tour tickets are $15 and will be on sale from Nov. 29 to Dec. 3 atthe Historical and Genealogical Museum from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. eachday. All proceeds go directly to the museum upkeep, Rich said.
“It’s going to a worthy cause,” she said. “I want to thank theindividuals for allowing their homes to be on the tour. Withoutthem, there wouldn’t even be a tour. We have lovely homes here inBrookhaven. I can assure you it will be beautiful.”