Elections marked slow summer

Published 7:00 pm Thursday, December 29, 2011

Editor’s note: Today, The DAILY LEADERcontinues a series of stories recapping the year past. Today’sfeature covers the third quarter of 2011. 

    The third part of 2011 was full of anticipation forstatewide and local elections, which made August an active month.Local commerce also received much good news throughout July, Augustand September.

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    July brought relief to many in the community when Brookhaven’sDelphi Packard plant and the plant’s labor union approved a newcontract after months of uncertainty. The new five-year contractincreased wages for employees.

    July also gave Lincoln County Chancery Clerk Tillmon Bishop reasonto celebrate. Bishop was elected president of the MississippiChancery Clerks Association. He became the first chancery clerkfrom Lincoln County to hold that post in 50 years.


    Candidates pushed the public for their votes in August inpreparation for the Aug. 2 primaries and Aug. 23 run-offs.

    The elections forced several incumbents out of a job. The board ofsupervisors faced many changes as Dudley Nations defeated incumbentDistrict 5 Supervisor Gary Walker, Jimmy Diamond defeated incumbentDistrict Two Supervisor Bobby Watts and C.E. “Eddie” Brown defeatedDistrict Four Supervisor W.D. “Doug” Moak in the primaries.

    Post One Justice Court Judge Ralph Boone was also defeated in theprimaries by Joe Portrey.

    The elections also faced problems with electronic voting. Manyvotes had to be cast via paper ballots because precincts did nothave the proper access cards to the electronic machines. Theproblems forced counting votes to last until early Tuesday morning.At 5 a.m. Wednesday officials recessed the counting process until10 a.m Wednesday.

    Also in August, the Godbold Transportation Center was finallycompleted after 10 years of work and three mayors’ efforts. Thetrain station provides better facilities for passengers. FormerMayor Bill Godbold created the concept, but he was unable to seethe completion since he died in 2010.

    After months of uncertainty surrounding whether the plant wouldstay open or not, Delphi Packard announced it would invest $15million into the Brookhaven plant. The equipment allowed the plantto update the circuit boards they are making and possibly couldredesign the plant layout. The investment seemed to solidify thatthe plant would remain in Brookhaven.

    The board of aldermen voted to invest money into the safety ofBrookhaven citizens when it allocated $30,000 to the purchase of aweather siren. Brookhaven-Lincoln County Civil Director CliffordGalley said the siren would most likely be placed downtown and havea one-mile radius.

    A murder case was concluded when Ahmad Butler, of 920 ChickasawStreet, was convicted of manslaughter. He was accused of murderingAnthony Nichol, 21, on June 17, 2010. Judge Michael Taylor gave himthe maximum sentence of 20 years.


    September was a slow month for Brookhaven and the surroundingareas. After finishing the new train station, Brookhaven officialsand Amtrak reached an agreement late in September concerning use ofthe station. Amtrak will pay Brookhaven Police Department $600 amonth to open the station from 30 minutes before arrival to 30minutes after arrival of each passenger train.

    Also, another murder case concluded when Tye Williams, 17, of 632North Sixth Street pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the death of16-year old Bryant Holloway. The shooting occurred on Oct. 24,2010.