Man killed in Industrial Park Road mishap
Published 7:33 pm Thursday, February 2, 2012
A local resident was struck and killed by avehicle Wednesday night while crossing Industrial Park Road, saidauthorities.
Calvin O. Sanders, 36, was struck by a 1991 Chevrolet Caprice atapproximately 9:15 p.m. Wednesday near the A-1 Stop at 313Industrial Park Road, said Brookhaven Police Chief PapHenderson.
Sanders was pronounced dead at the King’s Daughter’s Medical Centeremergency room at 10:15 p.m., said Lincoln County Coroner ClayMcMorris. Sanders lived on Industrial Park Road with family,according to McMorris.
Police arrested the vehicle’s driver, Lavoris Smith, 29, of 1331Brignall Road, on unrelated charges. Police have not filed any newcharges against Smith related to Wednesday’s incident pending aninvestigation, according to the police chief.
Smith was arrested on a 2004 warrant related to failure to payfines, Henderson said. Jail records indicate Smith had not beenreleased on bond as of Thursday morning.
Smith was not under the influence of alcohol at the time of theincident, Henderson said. Information on whether the victim wasunder the influence of alcohol is unknown, pending an autopsy.
Sanders’ autopsy will be performed today by the State MedicalExaminer’s Office, said McMorris.
Sanders was alone at the time he was struck, Henderson said.