Son’s home fire adds to life’s storms

Published 8:00 pm Sunday, May 13, 2012

Several weeks ago I took on some extra work at work.

     I had been working part-time the last few months and wanted to help out, so I’m back working full-time hours for a while.

     When Rachel, my general manager, asked me to take on this little extra work, I said sure. It shouldn’t be a problem as long as things at home remain stable.

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     That was my first mistake. I should have never said those words out loud. It was a jinx.

     The very next week after uttering those fateful words, Dennis has a health emergency that takes us to the hospital for two days. He’s OK … it just gave us a scare. Plus, he has several follow-up doctor appointments.

     One good thing came out of the whole ordeal – he is now having some tests he had been putting off.

     And now, just this past Sunday, my son Jeremy’s rental home caught fire and now he and his family are now without a home. They are staying with Dennis and me until they can find a new home to rent in the Loyd Star community.

     The fire was thankfully contained to just the entryway of their mobile home. It somehow started outside near their front porch area. Its origin is unknown at this time, but is under investigation.

     Thankfully, Jeremy, his wife, Mica, and their three children were at my house when the fire started and not inside the mobile home.

     An alert neighbor noticed the blaze, ran over and kept the fire from spreading by spraying it with the water hose until the Loyd Star Volunteer Fire Department came and put the fire out completely.

     As a photographer and reporter, I’ve been to many mobile home fires and most of the time what remains when the smoke clears isn’t too pretty.

     A giant “thank you” is extended to the quick-thinking neighbor and to all of the firefighters who responded so quickly.

     You really can’t imagine the things that are roaming through your head when you hear that your home is on fire.

     Mica wasn’t so much worried about her furniture or clothing. She was more worried about losing the things that couldn’t be replaced, like her children’s baby photos or the vase full of sand from her wedding.

     On the ride to their home to assess the damage, the two smaller children, Karli and Conner, were worried about their dog, Reeses. He’s a small miniature dachshund mix. Thankfully, they had left him outside. When we got there he was nowhere to be found.

     One heart-warming moment came when Jeremy found the small dog on the back stoop of the mobile home shivering and afraid. He carried the dog around to the front of the mobile home. It was like a scene from a movie watching Conner run across the yard with big tears rolling down his face to embrace the small dog. It brought big tears to my eyes.

     Jeremy and Mica lost all of their living room furniture to the fire, smoke and water, but the rest of their belongings are fine except for the smoke smell. It could have been much worse.

     Mica said many of their friends and family members came by and took home baskets of clothing to wash and offered assistance both physically and monetarily.

     Several of their friends also showed up the next day to help them move the remainder of their belongings to a storage building. The Red Cross came and offered assistance.

     Jeremy and Mica had just paid their rent the Friday before, which they didn’t get back. They also didn’t have renter’s insurance to cover their losses. What they do have are a lot of family and friends who love them and who are willing to lend a helping hand.

     When disaster strikes, no matter what form, I’m still amazed at the generosity of family, friends and strangers. My family extends their greatest appreciation to you.

     And how was your week?

     Lifestyles Editor Tammie Brewer can be reached at The DAILY LEADER at (601) 833-6961 ext. 134, by e-mail at or you can write to her at P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven MS 39602.