Two running for mayor in Meadville city voting

Published 7:00 pm Thursday, March 14, 2013

Despite his announcement in February that he would not be seeking re-election, Meadville mayor W.P “Sonny” Dickey has re-entered the race with intentions of a third term after all.

“I had a number of people come to me and ask me to reconsider,” Dickey said Wednesday about his planned retirement. “So after listening to them and talking about it, I’ve decided to re-enter.”

Dickey faces opposition from Lane Reed, a Meadville attorney and the town’s prosecutor.

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According to Reed, his campaign platform is based on improving basic city services by increasing the city’s revenue. He intends to pursue grant opportunities that are available to rural communities.

“We are going to examine every potential revenue source available to our city.” Reed said Wednesday.

In addition, Reed seeks efficiency in using such funding.

“In a small town that’s how we have to do it,” he said. “We have to get the most bang for our buck.”

Dickey insisted his reappearance in the race was not determined by any contention with Reed, but was purely a result of constituent support.

“My decision was strictly based on citizens saying they would like to see me run again,” Dickey said. “I cannot tell you what they were basing their decision on.”

All five incumbent Meadville aldermen are running un-opposed in the election. William David Scarbrough, Kay Scott, Bart Jones, Charles Calcote and Bobby Kelly will resume their positions at City Hall.

All Meadville candidates are running as independents and will face off in the general election on June 4.