Voter IDs now available at circuit clerk’s office
Published 10:44 am Friday, January 17, 2014
City and county voters take note. Mississippi voter ID cards are now being issued by circuit clerks across Mississippi, and Lincoln County Circuit Clerk Dustin Bairfield encouraged those who need a picture ID to come by his office at the Brookhaven-Lincoln Government Complex and have one made.
“We did our first one today,” Bairfield said Thursday afternoon.
He explained that residents will not receive their card the same day. “We take their photo and send the form and photo in to the secretary of state’s office,” Bairfield said. The secretary of state’s office then mails the completed ID card to the resident. The cards will be mailed to addresses already on file at the office.
Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann said voter ID cards had been issued in approximately 15 counties as of Thursday. “We are pleased our circuit clerks were prepared to get an early start issuing free Mississippi Voter ID cards,” Hosemann said in a press release. “This shows our outreach to educate Mississippians on the new requirement is reaching the public.”
Mississippians will be required to show an acceptable form of photo ID when casting a ballot at the polls on June 3. Only Mississippians who lack one of the acceptable forms of photo ID are eligible for a free, Mississippi Voter ID.
Acceptable forms of photo ID include:
· A driver’s license;
· A photo ID card issued by a branch, department or entity of the state of Mississippi;
· A U.S. passport;
· A government employee ID card;
· A firearms license;
· A student photo ID issued by an accredited Mississippi university, college, or community/junior college;
· A U.S. military ID;
· A tribal photo ID;
· Any other photo ID issued by any branch, department, agency or entity of the U.S. government or any state government; and,
· A Mississippi voter ID card.
“An old driver’s license up to 10 years old is still good for voter identification,” Bairfield said.
Bairfield also took time to encourage residents to be aware of voter registration protocols. Residents that have moved recently, or new residents, will have to let the office know of address changes in order to receive a new voter registration card.
Voter precincts could change for some residents due to recent redistricting changes in the county, Bairfield noted. In early January, the board of supervisors approved redistricting changes to county maps. Once the circuit clerk’s office receives the district map changes, voter precincts can be determined, said Bairfield.
Precincts are based on address primarily but there are a number of determinations involved, said Bairfield.
“We want to get the word out as soon as possible. There will be some changes to voting precincts. However, we will let residents know as soon as possible where they are expected to vote,” said Bairfield.
The city and county are looking for poll workers for the upcoming election, Bairfield also noted Thursday. Interested poll workers are encouraged to call the election’s commission office, their party headquarters or the circuit clerk’s office for more information.
Now serving his first term, Bairfield promised to digitize all records. As part of this promise, voter registration forms can now be found online at Forms can be picked up at the circuit clerk’s office at the Brookhaven Lincoln County Government Complex on 301 S. First St.
Voters who need a ride to and from the circuit clerk’s office to have a voter ID made or to pick up a voter registration form can call the secretary of state’s office to get transportation. To schedule transportation or for more information, call 1-844-MSVoter or visit the website at