Smithsonian exhibit set April 3-May 9
Published 8:55 pm Saturday, March 8, 2014
A Smithsonian exhibit that is to be held at Copiah-Lincoln Community College is just around the corner, noted President Nettles at Thursday’s board of trustee’s meeting.
The Smithsonian Exhibit will include a historical look at the evolution of Wesson and will be entitled, “From Mill Town to College Town.”
Co-Lin is only one of two community colleges approved by the Mississippi Humanities Council for the exhibit, which will include photos and items from the National Archives as well as local artifacts from Copiah and nearby counties.
The exhibit will be held between April 3 and May 9 at the Mutton Building on the Wesson campus.
In other business, the board approved two bids, one for football equipment and another for construction of H.L. Stone Press Box.
Board members approved five purchase orders over $5,000, totaling $149,292.71.
The board also authorized the administration to accept $40,000 from the University of Mississippi Medical Center from a Delta Health Care Services Grant. Funds from the grant will be used for teleconferencing equipment and curriculum development to serve rural hospitals.
As Pell Grant monies, etc., continue to flow in, total revenue is slowly catching up with expenditures, according to a financial statement presented by Board Comptroller Stan Patrick.
In personnel matters, the board reported on the retirement of Herman Scott by the end of April. Scott, a maintenance employee on the Natchez campus, has served the college for 26 years.
Besides the Smithsonian exhibit, other notable dates to be aware of were mentioned at Thursday’s meeting and they include the following:
• Business/Industry appreciation day (Natchez campus) on March 19 at 11:30 a.m.
• Business/Industry appreciation day (Wesson campus) on April 3 at 11:30 a.m.
• Associate degree nursing pinning/graduation on May 9 at 2 p.m.
• Wesson campus graduation on May 16 at 9:30 a.m.
• Natchez campus graduation on May 16 at 6:30 p.m.
• Simpson County Center graduation on May 17 at 10 a.m.
The board met at the Simpson County Center in Mendenhall for Thursday’s meeting. The board will meet again Thursday, April 3, at the Wesson campus.