Webinars set for businesses
Published 10:12 am Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Business owners eager to capitalize on the power of technology can attend a free series of webinars scheduled for this fall.
The Mississippi State University Extension Service and the Mississippi Development Authority’s Entrepreneur Center have partnered to offer four sessions about web-based services and strategies.
Webinars begin at noon and end by 12:50 p.m. at the Mississippi State Extension Office in the Brookhaven/Lincoln County Government Complex. The local Extension Service and Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce have offered to host up to 12 individuals who want to participate.
Those interested can participate for a single webinar or all three. The webinars are scheduled over lunch, from noon to 1 p.m. Participants should bring a lunch if they wish to eat during the presentation.
The webinars are scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month over a four-month period beginning in August and ending in November.
• Sept. 10: Understanding Analytics, Insights and Search Engine Optimization
• Oct. 8: Marketplace Venues
• Nov. 12: Cloud Services
Those who would like to participate should contact Ashley Tucker
at (601) 835-3460 to sign up.