Board Business: Board of Aldermen
Published 10:29 am Thursday, September 18, 2014
The Board of Aldermen met Tuesday, Sept. 18.
• Tyler Gill asked the mayor and board of alderman for a place that he and his friends could skateboard without being in the public’s way. Tyler Gill has been skateboarding for several years and has had problems finding a location where they would not be asked to leave by police officers.
Police Chief Bobby Bell said he has received complaints from citizens and business owners about skateboarding. He added he is also worried about the kids’ safety.
Alderman at large, Karen Sullivan said that the walking trails at city Park are multipurpose and are available for skateboarders to use.
Ward 4 Alderman Shirley Estes suggest the young men arrange a time with the recreation department to reserve the area specifically for skateboarding. She added that it would give them a place to skate, while not being the way of walkers who uses the trails.
“We are looking at this as a liability issue,” said Mayor Joe Cox. “Maybe there is a happy medium.”
The alderman also suggested contacting the owner of the go-cart track.
• Accepted the request of Rusty Prestridge and Aron Brister to use the railroad park parking lot for a car show for a car show fundraiser. Proceeds will be made through concessions and will go to the youth group at Union Baptist Church. The event will be Nov. 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
• Mike McKenzie, WGK, gave an update on ongoing projects. He discussed: advertising for bids for the Brookway Boulevard expansion project, uncovering blocked man holes throughout the city and moving the equipment on Chickasaw by next week.
• Brookhaven Police Chief Bobby Bell returned $697 to the city.
• Accepted the Fire Chief Tony Weeks requests to send firemen to training.
• Mayor Cox said that $468,000 had been collected in sales tax in July.
• Approved the minutes of the regular meeting of Sept. 2 and Sept. 4.
• Received the revenue and expenditure report.
• Received the privilege license report showing revenue of $4,820.45.
• Received the September 2014 Fire Department report showing 28 runs inside the city and one outside.
• Received the September 2014 Municipal Court Report showing a revenue of $39,719.62 ($17,733.60 of that goes to the state.)
• Approved claims docket for a total $1,966,859.33.
• Approve to reimburse the Mississippi Department of Transportation $7,294.52.
• Accepted the lowest bid of $7 per ton from C & C Cartage, Inc. for the mulching and disposal of clean vegetative debris at the city mulching site.
• Accepted the quote from Sias Fence and Erectors in the amount of $1,920.00 to purchase and install a chain link fence at Bicentennial park. Paid for by Healthy Hometown grant money.
• Approved to advertise for milling overlaying and stripping on Brookway Blvd.
• Authorized the mayor to sign the construction engineering and inspection contract review with WGK, Inc. for an upset cost limit of $54,906.92 for the Brookway Boulevard project.
• Accepted the resignation of Akili Bullock from the Street Department effective Aug. 26.
• Accepted the resignation of Willie L. Smith from the Street Department effective Sept. 8.
• Accepted the resignation of Jamie Dickey from the Solid Waste Department effective July 30, 2014.
• Accepted the resignation of Jeremy Greer from the Police Department effective Sept. 14, 2014.