Board Business: The Lincoln County Board of Supervisors
Published 10:33 am Wednesday, October 8, 2014
The Lincoln County Board of Supervisors met Monday, Oct. 6.
• Highway Commissioner Tom King and District Engineer Albert White will be visiting Brookhaven Thursday this week for a meet and greet. The event will begin at 10 a.m. at the Godbold Transportation Center on N. Railroad Avenue.
• The board was presented with a letter from the Office of State Aid Road Construction about the 2014 legislation for State Aid Funding and LSBP funding. Part of the bill adds up to $32 million to state funds if certain conditions are met. The funds are for replacement or improvements to structurally deficient bridges or the improvement of the state’s county roads.
District 5 Supervisor Nolan Williamson was on the Senate Task Force and helped Lincoln County receive 1.58% of the funds, $505,600.
“Extra money for Lincoln County is a really big deal,” said Principal Engineer Jeff Dungan.
He explained with the current projects going on, the boards funds for this term would have hit zero, so the additional funds will rejuvenate the budget.
“I hope we can keep the law on the books for next year. It takes some time to make a difference,” said Dungan. “Nolan and the board really did a good job getting it done.”
• American Railcar Inc. will hold its ribbon cutting ceremony Oct. 23.
• Sheriff Steve Rushing reported that the 911 dispatch center was damaged when a two-inch waterline burst. He said they were able to save the computers and equipment, but the walls and floor had water damage. Rushing has had to use emergency funds for renovations to the room. He said dispatch will be back in the room by the end of this week. Rushing added even though the situation was chaotic, the county never lost 911 service.
• Approved tax office employee training in Hattiesburg, pending information about possible mandatory raise that may be associated.
• Reported that the Oak Subdivision Platt has been revised and the amended platt maps need to be signed by the landowner and officials.
• Contracts have been sent out for the paving project, and it was estimated that construction will begin mid-October.
• Approved money for waterline construction on Big Creek Road with the understanding that they will later be reimbursed.
• Approved the removal of outdated radios from the Sheriff’s Department.
• Heard a recap of assessments for real and personal county property which will be sent to the State Department of Revenue.
• Approved to send a veteran service officer to a training conference in Biloxi.
• Approved to advertise for a dump truck.