Last COVID-19 numbers show fewer hospitalizations
Published 11:23 am Friday, February 25, 2022
- Courtesy of the Mississippi Department of Health
The most recent data reveal coronavirus-related hospitalizations falling; between Jan. 28 and Feb. 17, Mississippi COVID-19 hospitalizations fell by 58 percent. This past week saw 4,187 COVID-19 cases recorded, averaging about 586 new cases a day, which is down about 62 percent the prior week.
More reports from the Mississippi Department of Health showed that in the week of Feb. 17-23, 182 coronavirus-related deaths were reported, 135 fewer than the week before. Out of 69 Mississippi counties reporting, 615 schools had 425 new COVID-19 cases and 788 Mississippi students were in quarantine Feb. 14-18.
As of Feb. 23, there had been 541 new cases reported in the state, with 30 new deaths and 122 long-term care outbreaks. There have been a total of 11,984 deaths in Mississippi.
In the last seven days, Lincoln County had 46 new cases, a 20 percent positivity rate, fewer than 10 deaths, with 40 percent of the population less than 5 years of age fully vaccinated and six new hospital admissions. There have been 8,231 total cases in the county, with 155 total deaths.
Pediatric deaths in the state number 13, with two unvaccinated Mississippi children dying from the coronavirus Feb. 17. There have been no more since this story was published.
The COVID-19 data as of Feb. 23 are as follows:
Amite County 3,206 total cases | total deaths 140
Franklin County 1,917 total cases | total deaths 37
Jefferson County 1,470 total cases | total deaths 37
Lawrence County 3,556 total cases | total deaths 52
Lincoln County 8,231 total cases | total deaths 155
Pike County 9,418 total cases | total deaths 180
Walthall County 1,790 total cases | total deaths 78
Case totals are updated to the MSDH website each weekday based on test results reported to MSDH from the previous day (or weekend). County case numbers and deaths may change as investigation finds new or additional information.