Finding yourself where you shouldn’t be

Published 3:00 pm Sunday, February 27, 2022

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend.

Have you ever gone somewhere and then immediately realized you shouldn’t have? This photo is one my wife quickly snapped of the Pentagon just before I drove up to the gate of an “employees only” entrance of that sprawling place last summer.

No, we had no intention of visiting the Pentagon. As a matter of fact, I’m not even sure the average person would be allowed access under normal circumstances. But, alas, as I have often done in the past, and I’m sure will continue to do in the future, I made a wrong turn. I took an exit off of the interstate highway, mistakenly thinking we were headed toward Arlington and very quickly found myself driving into unknown territory.

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Thankfully it was fairly easy to navigate our way back out of the Pentagon property and back onto a public road, but we certainly were startled when we suddenly found ourselves where we shouldn’t have been. I’ve seen the Pentagon building from a distance and have taken photos of it from an airplane, but this was different. It was much closer. Much larger.

I can’t help but think we each wander into places and perhaps situations in which we have no business. Sometimes we do it quite on purpose. Sometimes we actually get too close too quickly, not realizing exactly how we’ve arrived at such a spot in life. But, thankfully, the Lord always has His Way, and He always offers us a way out.

From every difficult situation, there is access to an exit. Sometimes those difficulties aren’t escaped until He takes us out of this world into His heavenly presence. But He always, always is watching out for and caring for His children when they get themselves into spots where they have no business!

I don’t know what situation you feel the need to escape this week, but quit panicking, span your surroundings, spot the Lord waiting and waving His hand, and take hold. You might just look back at where you’ve been, thankful that you were allowed a glimpse, but even more thankful that you don’t have to remain there! I pray for safe travels through your week ahead.

Just a thought. 


Rev. Brad Campbell can be reached at