We are being ‘read’

Published 1:00 pm Sunday, July 9, 2023

We are told often that my daughter and I have a striking resemblance. I’m personally not able to see it, but I hear it often enough for it to affect my choices. When I want to run to the grocery for a quick item, I pay attention to what I’m wearing. As a digger in the dirt person, I don’t always dress in “inside” clothes, but I consider myself representing my daughter when I leave our home. That consideration causes me to dress in a way that would not disparage her professional image. 

Just in case someone would mistake me for my daughter (from a long distance away), I don’t want to leave a wrong impression. I care about her image and how people perceive her. Mistaken identity is capable of casting positive and negative shadows.

Christians have reputations that are meant to correspond to how Jesus lived His life, represented and outlined in the Word of God. According to the evening news and social media (that offers fertile ground for character assassinations), our numbers appear to be diminishing. The world seems to be blending in comfortably with “believers,” and a lot of “believers” seem to be more and more accepting of the world’s perception of life and how to live it.

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I recently overheard a group of people talking about an individual I didn’t know, but they did. They were discussing his foul mouth and how that individual didn’t seem to care who knew it. Then another spoke up and said, “But you do know he professes to be a Christian.”

The conversation continued, but I didn’t really hear any more. The comment was a jab to my heart. Obviously there are those who profess to be Christians and are deceived, thinking they have checked off the appropriate items that “qualify” them to carry that name. Then there are others who may be sincere about Jesus being their Savior, but they take the title lightly and allow the world to modify their behavior and lifestyle. I cannot judge, but Christ’s command to be holy carries deep and unquestionable meaning to me.

William J. Toms made a wise statement:  “Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.” We may not realize it, but we all are people readers. We form quick opinions by appearances, conversations and actions. It’s more important than we realize to display in our daily lives a Biblical representation of authentic Christianity. Readers are all around us!

Letters to Camille Anding may be sent to P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602.