Coffee shops, Tortilla Soup earn A ratings

Published 12:08 pm Monday, July 10, 2023

BROOKHAVEN — King’s Daughters Medical Center is home to a Coffee Shop and a recently earned A rating from the Mississippi Department of Health. Two other establishments in Brookhaven joined in earning As this past Friday.

Tortilla Soup and Rabbit Hole Brew and Infusion earned A ratings from department of health restaurant inspections. 

Kings Daughter’s coffee shop is located at 427 US 51 N and has earned eight straight A’s since 2016. Rabbit Hole Brew and Infusion, located at 908 Brookway Boulevard, earned its second straight A since opening in 2022. Rabbit Hole now offers milkshakes made with bluebell ice cream if you are looking for a tasty way to beat the heat this summer. 

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Tortilla Soup, located at 112 South Whitworth Avenue, earned an A rating for the restaurant and a separate A rating for its full service bar according to the MSDH. Four out of the last five inspections for the restaurant side of Tortilla Soup have been As with one B rating. The bar has earned three straight A’s.