Possum nonsense

Published 3:00 pm Sunday, July 23, 2023

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend.

Does everything in your life make sense? By that, I mean to ask this — Do you understand why things happen the way they do, why people act the way they do, and why we experience life the way it happens? Some days life doesn’t make sense. Sometimes it makes no sense, at least in our minds, that we have to endure the difficulties that this life brings. We just don’t understand.

Take a look at this picture. In the Alabama Music Hall of Fame museum, in a corner display near the end of the self-guided tour, behind glass, stands this little fellow. It is a taxidermied ‘possum. This furry little ‘possum is dressed  He is wearing cowboy paraphernalia. There is a gun in his holster  He is holding a lasso rope. He is wearing a cowboy hat. And, he is “smoking” a cigar. Absolutely nothing at all about this thing makes sense! There is no reason behind it and no explanation given. It just is.

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For some of you, a ‘possum standing in an upright position, rather than lying dead in the road, is something you’ve never even seen before. Add all this other nonsense to it, and you get just that. “Non”-sense. It has no sense. It makes no sense.

Life can be the same some days. Some days you’re the windshield, some days you’re the bug. We experience things in our lives that, at least to us, make no sense at all. But we must remember that it all makes perfect sense to God. He can use anything we experience to make us a stronger person. He can add to our witness in this world by the nonsense that we must endure.

And, yes, some of those things won’t ever make sense to us until He calls us home. But then, that makes no sense either, does it? We don’t deserve His mercy. We cannot earn His grace. As Christians, we are nothing but sinners saved by His grace. He loved us when we were unlovable, and He died, giving His life’s blood for us. He loved us and died for us. That could only make sense to God Himself.

We are nothing but a dressed up ‘possum in this nonsensical world. But one day soon, He will gather His children around His feet where nothing but the everlasting love of God makes sense. Sounds a little crazy, doesn’t it? Until then, endure the nonsense of this world. Don’t worry about understanding it all. Just trust the One Who does!

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at mastah.pastah@yahoo.com.