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Make giving your aim

Published 7:50 pm Monday, September 4, 2023

I looked in my closet

And what did I see

Hangers on hangers

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And clothes I don’t need!

So what is the answer?

The Bible is plain —

Stinginess stinks;

Make giving your aim.

It’s a clever little rhyme and definitely describes my closet. However our excuse-making minds always have a reason for things such as crowded closets. For me, it’s being frugal. I rarely go on shopping sprees and am blessed to wear the approximate size I wore 20 years ago. Also, my family gives me clothes on special occasions, and I’ve been a gift recipient for a LOT of years. Therefore, I simply save clothes and rotate with seasons and fashion.

That is a legitimate response to stinginess and a choked closet rack, right? This is the time somebody needs to shout over my accusing conscience!

No, it’s not right, and I’m reminded of my excuses every time I go into my side of the closet.

Elisabeth Elliott taught that our surplus should be an opportunity to share with others who know nothing of a crowded closet.

Another advice-giver told me how to help remedy my surplus:  If you haven’t worn it in a year, then give it away. Some would suggest that yard sales would be another option while making a little extra money. I’ve had only one experience with a yard sale, and that was all I needed to forego that suggestion.

The Bible is always a place to turn for advice on life and living. Colossians 3:12 talks about a really special wardrobe: “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Any believer would have to agree that there’s ample room for these kinds of clothes in our closets. If that list is too long, verse fourteen in that chapter simplifies it: “Put on love.”

August tells me that fall is next in line, regardless of what the temperature gauges are hissing. That means it’s nearing the time for exchanging summer clothes for fall and winter attire. I’m thinking that would be a logical time to initiate my closet purging. Our daughter has volunteered to engineer the sorting.

It won’t be a cakewalk for me. I have some really old friends that inhabit my closet — the place they’ve called home an extended time. I just have to remind myself that this cleaning out will allow the remainder of clothes to breathe and save me a lot of time with pressing out wrinkles. It will also give someone in need an opportunity to add TO their closet. Most of all it will compel that occupant, Conviction, to move out and quit harassing me.

Letters to Camille Anding may be sent to P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602.