A recipe for daily living

Published 3:16 pm Sunday, September 10, 2023

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend.

My wife spent part of the past weekend going through and cleaning out her cookbooks. She stacked some to give away to friends. Some were set aside for donations to the library’s book sale. Those with more personal meaning were set aside in yet another stack, and I spent hours scanning through each of them, like the one I’m holding here.

I found recipes that each of our children had written in their own handwriting and contributed to their respective fifth-grade classroom cookbook projects. I found recipes from each of our grandmothers, from some great aunts and cousins, and even a few with my own name on them. I was able to snap a photo with my phone and send a couple of recipes to old friends — recipes that had been included from their own now-deceased mothers. 

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As I flipped through all those books, I didn’t pay as much attention to the recipe itself as I did to the contributor. Some of those long-forgotten recipes brought back smells and mouth-watering memories of times spent with those dear folks, of meals enjoyed with long-gone family members, and of things we hadn’t thought about in years. Lots of good memories, all brought about because of old recipes in old books.

You don’t have to look at me twice to know I like to eat. But what I truly enjoy most is the time spent around those tables. Meals are meant to be enjoyed with those you love. Fellowship meals at our church are much anticipated because of the time we spend together. And my wife is already making a list of all the favorite things she wants to cook up for this relative, that niece or nephew, and the daughters this coming holiday season.

Of all those wonderful foods I’ve eaten in my more than half-century on this earth, and of all the times I spent sitting at the kids table before moving up to the big table, and of all those precious memories that make me smile, none of those things are any more grand than the thoughts of gathering around the Lord’s table that He is preparing for us. It must be a huge table indeed, not only because of the number of folks gathered around, but because of all the heavenly foods I can imagine are waiting for us.

When the Bible tells us to “taste and see that He is good,” I know it means the time, relationship, and love and mercy that He provides. But I can’t help but think, as I sit with His “cookbook” of life in my hands, that it is full of so many recipes — recipes for life itself — which I need to stir up and share with those I love.

I look forward to His table. I’ll get there when I’m able.

I’ll worship and I’ll eat, as I sit as Jesus’s feet!

What a recipe He gives, for those who seek a taste.

I’ll truly understand “He Lives” When I gaze upon His face.

This week, as you go about, What is it you’ll be cookin’? 

Read His Word, check it out. Do some serious lookin’. 

’Cause in that Book is Heavenly meat. And He longs for us to sit and eat,

To have the meal that He’s prepared. So, make sure His recipes you have shared!

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at mastah.pastah@yahoo.com.