Former teachers come to mind when I think pink

Published 8:19 am Sunday, October 8, 2023

She was obsessed with pink, Michael Jackson and rats. Her classroom was painted in pink. Pink barbies, pink boas and hats. To my knowledge there has only been one pink Kia Soul to ever roam this earth and it happened to park at my elementary school. 

Mrs. Pierce loved the color pink and had pet rats for who knows why. She was quirky, fun and loved her students. Life was what she made it and she made it fun. 

The only speaking part I ever had in a school play was thanks to her, I played the role of a journalist in a press conference for a Christmas production. Our programs were fun and unique like her. 

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I am by no means musically inclined. The only instrument I can play is the radio and most of my singing is done in the car to old country songs. However, Mrs. Pierce encouraged her students to give music a try. I was in choir for a few years because of her influence. 

Sadly, cancer took her too soon in the spring of 2011.  It would have made sense for her cancer to have been breast cancer, it is not possible to state enough how much she loved the color pink. Instead, my classmates bought purple bracelets for pancreatic cancer to support her and many others fighting cancer.  

Mrs. Pierce wasn’t the only teacher I would lose to cancer. Mrs. Quinn taught history and was as big of an Arkansas fan as I was growing up. In 2015, she was diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer and in turn co-founded a charity event to raise money for research. She went to glory in 2021, free of any pain and leaving behind a wonderful legacy. 

This October, football teams, 5K races and many other events will wear pink to raise money and awareness for cancer, specifically breast cancer. When I think of the color pink I’m reminded of my former teachers Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Quinn and how they continued to advocate and love. 

While they hoped for an earthly cure I have faith they found something better in Christ. A true healing the pep rally MC at Enterprise Attendance Center pointed out Friday morning.