Commission will hear new WMA rule, duck stamp project report Thursday
Published 2:06 pm Monday, October 9, 2023
WAVELAND — Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks Commissioners will meet Thursday in a regularly scheduled meeting at Buccaneer State Park. A new rule for Sunflower WMA and duck stamp projects report will highlight the meeting.
There is no educational session planned for the October commission meeting but an educational session will be held in the November meeting at MDWFP’s headquarters in Jackson. Thursday’s business session will start at 10 a.m. with Jason Thompson opening with prayer.
If there are any public comments, commissioners will hear them before Thompson gives his license sales report. Commission chairman Bill Cossar emphasizes the importance of the license sales report at each meeting because they fund about 90 percent of the MDWFP’s budget.
It is likely Thompson will give an update on license sales for the 2023 Velvet Season which was in September.
Wildlife Bureau Chief of Staff Russ Walsh will read a proposed rule for Sunflower Wildlife Management Area. Commissioners can accept the proposed rule which opens a 30 day period for public comments before voting on the final rule in November.
Houston Havens, waterfowl program coordinator, will follow Walsh with a report on Duck Stamp Projects. Waterfowl hunters are required to purchase the federal and Mississippi duck stamp which helps fund habitat projects in the prairie pothole region and in Mississippi’s Delta. Haven’s report will break down how much money is sent to different projects.
Chief of Law Enforcement Col. Jerry Carter will follow with an enforcement report. It is unknown if he will give an update on the four new K-9s purchased and trained for use by the Law Enforcement department.
Brian Ferguson, Parks Chief of Staff, will give an update of State Park projects including the addition of wifi at Buccaneer State Park. MDWFP is investing in renovating State Parks under the direction of Executive Director Lynn Posey.
The next commission meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 16 with an educational session at 9 a.m. and the business session at 10 a.m. in Jackson.