It (He) shouldn’t surprise us

Published 1:00 pm Sunday, October 15, 2023

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend.

My wife and I recently enjoyed some vacation time with our grown children and spouses. We walked blisters upon our blisters at that place in Florida that has been called “the most magical place on earth.” Roller coasters were ridden, shows were seen, food was eaten, and a great time was had by all of us. We posed with the yellow honey-loving bear and his striped tiger friend, with a duck, with a couple of princesses, and with that awesome mouse pair — you know — the ones with the big round black ears!

Three parks, two resorts, and plenty of laughter. In a span of just eight days, I rode in cars, airplanes, buses, sky-lifts, boats, and Ubers. (An Uber is just a fancy name for a taxi, except it’s a private vehicle driven by a total stranger whom you have employed completely randomly online with no previous contact or proof of identity!) In other words, we had a ball. And in the midst of every day, every ride, every place we went, there was something ‘hidden’ in plain sight — the ears of that famous mouse!

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This picture is the back of a bench situated in one of the most populous areas. There are those ears. No explanation or reason. Just there. Those same ears appear on walls, sidewalks, furniture, transportation services, signs, beverages, and even foods. (Chocolate covered ear-shaped ice cream was a real treat one warm afternoon!) There were many thousands of people all over the place. Most were completely oblivious to one another. Most were kind and considerate. Every one of them had come to this part of the world to be entertained by anything and everything related to that famous mouse, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that his likeness appeared everywhere. It wasn’t a surprise, actually, that he was everywhere. The surprise was the different places we discovered him — having ignored his very presence until that one particular moment when the light bulb clicked on and we realized he was there again!

In the grand hustle and bustle of your weekdays ahead, as a Christian, you understand and know already that the Lord is everywhere in everything. What may surprise you, however, is just how often you can recognize His touch, His work, His beauty, and His blessings if only you pay a little more attention to your surroundings.

God doesn’t hide from us. Quite the opposite. He is always there. The question is, are you paying more attention to all the noise and “entertainment” of this world instead? Go about your business (busy-ness) of this coming week. Do what needs to be done. Go where you need to go. But don’t forget He is already there, waiting for you to notice. Look up from that digital device glued to your fingers and watch for the One Who should truly govern your time.

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at