Another ‘whosoever’

Published 1:00 pm Sunday, October 29, 2023

We have a redhead in the family. Redheads make up 1 to 2% of the population, so that alone sets her apart. I will always remember when she was born. All family members were waiting for her arrival. The excitement was bubbling over as we knew it could be any minute. Then the doors to the delivery room opened, and our son decked in scrubs, walked out carrying a bound bundle.

Her face was perfect! I pulled back her tiny toboggan to see if she had hair like all of our other grands. She did have a generous “shock,” but it was RED! We would never have imagined. That was the big talk associated with her birth. All the grandparents began fumbling through their mental history to recall any redheads.

Her great-grandmother remembered, “I was a redhead in my early years,” probably wanting to claim the sharing of her genes with her great-grandchild. Then another grandmother remembered a great aunt with red hair. I couldn’t think of a single ancestor with red hair, but I thanked God for a beautiful, healthy baby and one that was set apart with red hair.

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Last week I had the privilege of making a new friend. The setting was the Brandon Amphitheater, and our meeting came after the Crusade messenger presented the Gospel message and extended an invitation to “whosoever will may come.”

As in the previous nights of the four-night crusade, a wave of responders headed toward the front stage. After acknowledging the significance of the life-changing decisions and prayer, Evangelist Rick Gage directed the new believers to an area where counselors would answer any questions and get contact information.

That’s when I singled her out — a redhead almost the same height and build as our redhead — now a high school senior. I spoke to her and invited her to join me for a one-on-one conversation. In just a brief time, she shared about her young life that had already dealt with an imprisoned parent, family death and homelessness. She had come to the crusade with a girlfriend whose parents had invited her to live with them.

“I’m 18 and have no idea what’s next in my life,” she shared. This redhead’s future seemed so far removed from the redhead that was a member of our family. Yet, as we continued to talk, and she shared about her decision to follow Christ, I realized again that the “whosoevers” cover every individual. “Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight.” It’s always eternally significant to add another redhead to God’s family!

Letters to Camille Anding may be sent to P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602.