His soothing touch

Published 11:00 am Sunday, October 29, 2023

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend.

You might be saying today that you’ve had a tough time lately. Perhaps your job has been difficult. Maybe you’ve been involved in entirely too many extra activities. Your days just don’t seem to have enough hours in them, and yet you also can’t get to the end of the day fast enough. You are tired. You are worn down. You are exhausted.

So, the question is — how do you relax? Is it a quiet moment in your recliner? A particular kind of music on the radio? Indulging in a favorite meal or snack? A long shower or soak in the tub? What about spending a little extra time with God?

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When you come home tired and worn out, toward whom do you direct your words, your disgust, your exhaustion? Are you blowing and going at your family members and those nearest and dearest to you, or are you taking all your cares to the Lord?

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to sit in the quiet. No music, no conversation, no electronic devices (especially the cell phone), and no agenda. Just sit. Listen for God’s voice. Take off your shoes and socks, roll up your pants, and stick both feet into an icy cold pool of water. That’s exactly what the youngest daughter and I are doing in this photo after a long day of walking blisters upon our blisters. We expected the little pool to be nice and warm. Instead we felt the shock of the very cold water. And it felt so good! What we least expected was exactly what we needed!

True, some days are more difficult than others, but every single day is only 24 hours long. We may all have different responsibilities, but we all have the same amount of time. What do you do with yours? Communion and communication with the Lord may be the least of what you expect after a long hard day, but it’s highly likely that it’s exactly what you need!

Had we not stopped at the pool that evening, we would have missed the experience of the soothing cold water on our worn out feet. If you don’t stop and listen for the Lord, if you don’t include Him in your day’s agenda, you’ll miss out on His soothing touch that could make all the difference for you.

Sit. Soak. Shhhh. It’s worth it, and so is He!

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at mastah.pastah@yahoo.com.