Just a very simple thought to share

Published 11:00 am Sunday, November 5, 2023

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend.

On a recent family trip to the land of the mouse in Orlando, Florida, I did as I usually do on a trip. I took a lot of pictures. I took pictures of my family. I took pictures of scenery, of all types of people, of delicious dinners, and all kinds of things. I took pictures of the characters, the road signs, and even some very different floor tiles in one particular place.

And, yes, I even pulled out my phone in the middle of a store to snap this picture of the one who started it all — Mickey Mouse.

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Mickey stands tall. He is high on a pedestal. He is in a prominent place. He is a focal point. And all of this with good reason. He’s the one it’s all about.

Now, you might accuse me of treading on the edge of ludicrous, and I would never compare my Jesus to a cartoon character, but bear with me here for a minute.

As a Christian, I carry His name. I belong to Jesus. He is Lord of my life. He is my Savior. He is my God. So, I must ask myself some very important questions.

Is Jesus standing tall in my life? Have I placed him high on a pedestal above anything and everything else? Is He in a prominent place in my life, my heart, my day? Is He the focal point of my existence?

If not, why not? It’s to be all about Him. He is the reason for it all. He is the reason for MY all. And that’s because He gave HIS all. He deserves to be front and center in all of my life’s details.

Is He in that prominent place in your life?

Just a (very simple) thought.

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at mastah.pastah@yahoo.com.