Was it worth it? Was I worth it?

Published 10:00 am Sunday, November 12, 2023

Hi, all. Just a thought to help start your weekend.

Is it worth it? I suppose that would depend on what your “it” is.

The picture you see here is one of my “smarter-than-me” watch. It likes to tell me what to do some days. As a matter of fact, on more than one occasion, it has buzzed my wrist just as I’m finished preaching my Sunday morning sermon to tell me to “Get up and move!” It can be rather insulting at times.

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The numbers you see on my watch indicate that I walked over 10 miles that particular day, but I only burned enough calories to make up for a single candy bar. Ten miles. That’s much more than I normally walk in a day’s time. That was a very busy day that involved two airports, some shopping, getting to and from transport points, and making it to our nightly accommodations. I was bushed, tired, and achy. And I only burned a thousand calories?!

Makes you wonder why folks walk for exercise if that’s all the benefit they get. Is it really worth it? Well, of course, walking and exercise provide much more physical benefits than just the burning of calories. Our heart, lungs, and other organs benefit. Our mind benefits. And, face it, our minds need all the help we can get in this age of dementia-related illnesses.

There may be other areas of your life in which you raise that same question — Is it worth it?

Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, endured a torture none of us will ever understand or comprehend. Then He gave His life’s blood in a cruel death upon an old rugged cross so that we might experience everlasting life. Was it worth it? 

Answer that question with this next question — Was I worth it? He thought so. 

The next time you question the difficulties of this life and wonder if it’s worth it, just remember Who went through so much worse so you could have it this great.

You ARE worth it. He said so.

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at mastah.pastah@yahoo.com.