Who can compare?

Published 9:00 am Sunday, November 19, 2023

Yes, I know her — and she’s coming toward me. What IS her name . . . It’s on the tip of my tongue. Think, brain. You know the name. Frustration pushes into me, but it doesn’t spike my memory lapse. The name continues to elude me!

I look into the night sky — strewn with stars I can see and galaxies I can’t. I’ve learned that there are countless galaxies light years beyond what man can see. I recall the psalmist’s praise: “He counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name.” I am amazed and awed at my God’s omniscience.

The dial on my washing machine says “super load,” but I can only count on washing a half dozen towels in our washer. If I want them really bright, I have to assist with extra detergent and a healthy dose of bleach.

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I’ve watched Doppler radar predict snow over a tri-state area and presently study the snowflakes blow and drift over our lawn and driveway. Silently God “bleaches” the landscape as far as I can see and onto lawns and landscapes hundreds of miles away. Who is a God who can compare to this?

Our garden hose has been stretched in all directions during our summer drought. I’ve logged in hours trying to help wilted azaleas survive. I realize that with just a rumble from the heavens, a 15-minute downpour could have water running in ditches and plants standing tall and revitalized. That’s the handiwork of an omnipotent God!

The changing trends continue to fascinate me. Jewelry parties hosted in homes have brought shopping to our dens. Then another trend followed — an invitation to bring your gold jewelry to a party where you could sell your unwanted or broken gold pieces. Women raided their jewelry boxes and jewelry chests for broken chains, sick watches and obsolete class rings. A small parcel of odds and end pieces could profit the seller several hundred dollars.

That piques my interest until I read heaven’s description in Revelations. It’s a city without asphalt streets or gravel roads. The paving there is pure gold — compliments of my God who is Creator and possessor of all riches and treasures.

I’m hopeful that the glorified bodies that God’s children will enjoy in heaven will be complete with glorified brains. I long to be able to comprehend the heights and depths of God’s attributes. Perhaps that’s why He makes heaven eternal.

Letters to Camille Anding may be sent to P.O. Box 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602.