Letters to Santa: Mixed bag

Published 9:06 am Sunday, December 24, 2023

I want a vr headset. I al so want my daddy to have a new bonc. Please bring my brother a gift to. Love, Elizabeth

I want the incredibles Nintendo switch. I want avatar 1880s. I want a motorcycle toy. Love, Griffin

I want you to bring me another elf. Love, Patton

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I wish for snow and kinitn vonnlikouan toybus for Hank pet penguin puppy babby grl doll. Love, Amelia Smith

Hey. I want a mini four-wheeler and a stretchy Hulk. And I want a minibike. Love, Maverick

I want a playground. I would like a safe. I would like a trampoline and army tank that toy army men can get in. I would like to get a cat. I would like a elf on the shelf and a motorcycle. Love, Greyson

I have been a good boy! I would like a go-cart rollerblades skateboard, feshi pol, dorth Vadr Sard, rok gurtar. Love, Rush

This year I want a football a gun a 4 wheeler a phone a puppy robucks. Love, Weston

I want 2 pretty Barbie Doll, and a LOL Sand Doll. I would love a hug from you. How do you have so much magic that make presents? I love you! Love, Rivers

I love you. I wounta spirit toy. I want a turkex toy. Your my best friend. I love Jesus, Santa, and, Christmas. I want all the princesses from disney world. Love, Finley

I would like pokemon cards 1000 watrgun crocs 20 nemo air of underwear or 2 1000 blue appwhite thn hisshae slodo ace DOS 10000. Love, Waylon Smith

I wamnt nrsetar guitar trersure marrleset nerfugun nerfugun nerfugun invi fre. Love, Spencer

Bumbumz Lipsmacker Zurusnackles Baby Alive Time for School Cookez Mmicecreamcart farmers market santa I love yaon. Love, Monroe

I would like Santa pop tube, Snackles, 3D pen, giant stitch, jewelry, and robot dog. Love, Jana

I need forweter that takes gas. Love, Rayf

Bick niedtdoswich legos monopoly smashers lego skatepark nerf. Love, Grayson James

I saw you at pictures. I want nerf guns and a nitendo switch! How do you get around the world before morning? Love, Beckett

How are you doing? How are the Deer Doing I hope you come on Chisimas eve I am beying good I want ear poads, a Chrismas Dog that dances to jingle Bells, a cup that is a cup like Damiels cup. A  new ortument for the tree, and a Phone. Charlotte Brady

How is Trixe boing Santa and I wat a elf babby house and a  new pfone cas and a new stuf anmal and a new boll and a new besc and can it plesa be white and a bascball and a bascball hoop and a LOL teen gr and a Barbe house plesa and plesa tel Trixe I sad hello. Charli Rose Davis

How is your reindeer doing? I will leave cookies for you on December 25th. Can I get a VR for Christmast. Meta quest two. Can me and my brother get year two of Mark’s toys? From Robert

I want VR and a toy Posidon and a camroro and a fox hinden brght and a fan and a fuke tool set and a new backpack. Max

How are you doing. For Christmas I would like a choclett fouten and a blue water bottle with my name on it. Thank you Santa. Diya

I wish for a durt bike and are you ril and ? What are the raindeer’s naim’s. love Jude

How are your reindeer can you get me a tortus and a beebee gun and a iphone 15 and dog man books and more X man comic books and some mor squish mallows and head phones and a miny fridge. Wyatt

I want a real jet and a drown and a real rocket and a real aplane and a plasteshen and a flining durtbike and a spase soot and a ufo and a huge from you I love you your the best Santa in the world. How is miss is closs is she ok how is roodof and the other dear. From Jacks

I hope you doing goot on those reindeer Santa! Because they gonna need that energy for the big day! Christmas! The best holiday ever! I want a baseball glove 12 inch and make sure it is a right hand glove. Merry Christmas Santa! Love River 

I would want a nerverborad for chrismas and a furby and a phone and go watch brodway with my friends and a squashmelow and a good chrismas and a sand box and a snowboard and a new color ring book and a hunting booste and a real gun and badysiter books and hows miss santa clauss have I been good or bad and you been eating cookies and do you like white or chocklate milk. Ruby!

I would like a Ipad and a bike and a vr set and minibrands with shopkins inside. I also want Barbies and a Barbie jet ski. Merry Christmas love, Kaylee.

I want a umarkengink doll and a iphone I want a stuffy t9 and a skrufluf I want a pink bike to and a prinses boock and a Bidle and a holtel for the umakir gerll doll to ana bed and boy one Amark in girller doll to. Kloie

I hope you are doing well. For Christmas I wont a desk for school work I also wont a new bike. I wont Wego set to please. Hello Santa how are the Raine Deer also how is Mrs. Closs doing I hope every body has lot’s of Joy this Chistmas. Love, Willow

I want a john heart bag and skin care. I would like to have a new bike. I want some rollerblades too! I would like a new watch. I love Christmas! Bring me and all the other people in the world good toys! Bring Christmas joy to the world! Eat a bunch of cookies! Merry Christmas Santa! Merry Christmas love, Damie Kathrine Williams

May I get a ipad for Christmas and a PS5 play stasin and a new camera. May I get a relly real cute puppy a white one I want a real watch and a huv a bord. May I get a two medium car toys for my broter please May I get a new lunch box with my name on it. And may I get a 2 new dog man book. Merry Christmas … Love Tina grace Rain

I want a roblox gift card and a fortnite gift card and a scotter and some clothes how is mrs Clause and the reindeer and I want a sonic movie disc to plug it up in my tv to watch. Cooper

I want a drow and is Mrs. Claus boing good and I can I have randy and stuff anamels and a lat! Of art suplys hey Santa witch cookies bo you like bo you like a lat! Of artaments. And will you leysev sam of the cookies for my and I want a nowt book and soom books and a colering bock and a chapter book I am finelly bone! Mary Neely

I have been good all year. I would like a football. Love, Porter Wall

I have been good all year I would like old Nitenoloswitch. Love, Paul

I have been good all year I would like I want a toy Nintendo Switch Fortnite. Love, Bray

I have been good all year. I would like a marble run gof digarid squishmallow. Love, Bea

I have been good all year. I would like A gymnashics bar and a mat and a 4 willer and a dog. Love, Mary Michael

I have been good all year. I would like a Bike and a pd and Nike shoes Loy Nike socks squishmallow. Love, Anna Claire

I have been good all yeur. I would like a puppy but not let it bite my cats Ipod gymnastics bar decorate my Room gymnastics mat Squishmallow Acintih. Love, Rose

I have been good all year I would like 2 nintindo swicths and 2 bikes. And a stuffie. And a marble run. And a pair of ear pds. Pack of nintindo games. Case of Pocamon cards. Love, Ryder gradey Cliburn

I have been good all year. I would like a bike anb a Nintendo and switch Legos. Love, Declan

I have been good all year. I would like wii games legos farm set cowboy boots Nintendo clock. Love, Ellis

I have been good all year. I would like fishaquarium big fish plant. Love, Adalyn

I have been good all year I would like a forwiller And a rainbow high doll house Ipad Nintendo game pink dress beond the Rainbow. Love, Emmerie Claire Lowery

I have been good lla year. Would like. Bunkbeds. Easy bake. Oven squishmallow. Sewing mshean. Ipod. Love, Evely

I have been good all year. I would like you easy bake oven and If wood like a fish and a fish aaquairun roller skates. Love, Rosaleigh

I have been good all year. I would like target drone gun dinosaur lightsaver. Love, Rustin

I wat a KuBotA Sad bi sad lonmor I wat PS4 Farm gams, moreo gof. Love, Sam

I wont a LOL dol, slim, macup, a dog that shaks its tal, a mini camru. Love, Hannah Grace

I want a dirtbiek and a moek introld truck and amoekin trold boat. Love, Colton

I bean good ever day I want you to bring me stof animls I hope you like my moms cookies I love you Santa. Love, Harmony

Wat I wunt for Cristmis is supr Moreo Wundr. I ben good this year. I luye uoy Santa. Love, Nicholas

I wont a stuf puppy. I wont hachmold. I Love you Santa. I wont jlary. Are you filing well? I wont sqish mlos. You ar my farvet. I ben gud I made a 100 on my AR test. Love, Shepard

I want a Hunting game. I want a ps5 for Christmas. I want a elk for Christmas. I want a Deer I want a wii xbox a light up Football Are you feling well Santa? I want a lot of Scwshmelo. Love, Charlie

I wot a PS4, a toy Skider, and a PS5. Thank you for miy PS last yer. Hape new yir and I wot a toy truk. I love you I ben good thes yer. Love, Mason

I have bin good this year. I want a light up football. Love, Rocco

I wont one Hundred minibrans and hachmoos. Love, Gracelynn

I wont jelrey and close and a bike. I Love you Santa! Love, Kimbree

I wish I cod hav a truk just lic my popop. Im good. Santa. Love, Elliot

Thank you for last year. Do you like My mom’s cuckes? I Love you. I Wont a trip and gym stuf and ar you feling gud Santa? A set for My dalls mak up and a mote control boat. Love, Camille

Are you felling well. I thenk you do graet. I love you Santa will you bring me a catbat. Will you give me a gluv you catch a basdall with. I want basedall gluves. And basdall cards and a PS5. Love, Walker

I wot a Hachiml. I Hope you fil good. Love, Oaklyn

Santa, I want a toy duptruck and a toy truck. Love, Nolan

I want a Blue cumote car a alektcic gutar a sile string Love, Evan

bring me gootar, chane, trock plis I will live mik and cookies. Love, Nolan

I would like tede bear, bike, and Barde dol. Thank you Sannta Il set out milk and cookies please cum to my Hows lunit. Love, Millie

I would like a new bike and a nerf gun and a new phone. Love, Landon

I would like Hot weels, nerfgun. I will lefe milk and cookies. Please be slow. Love, Ridge

fake dog, plush pets, phone. I will leve u sum cookis and milk. Love, Fynlee

Pell it gun. batt and ball. shoos. Love, Alex. Love Santa.

I would like gabdolhous and Fun Dip. Love, Laura Leigh

I would like trapalene and a nirf gun. Thank you. Love, Campbell

Drone that flys a gray cup with a hendl with a lid a pupit snack Thank you. Love, Heath Rollins

I would like a Gatar and a trampleen. And a Heelees. Love, Honor

I would like bakpak toy terke, and spidrmen horder. You beder be fast. Love, Lane

I would like a ball, nrf gun, and a truack. I will giv you milk and cookies. Love, Rhys

I would like nergun, watermelon. Milk and cookies please thank you. P.S. boxing glovs. Love, Beckam 

I wou like Nerf jel blastr I will leiv milk and cookies Love, Tripp

I would like a roodof toy, a santa toy, and a toy sled. Thank you Santa for all you do. Love, Cady 

I have been extra good this year. I would like, lots lots lots of makeup and skincare, Ipad air, Bff Bracelets, legos, a puppy, Stanly, candyland, games, play house, desk, deskpetshop, a box of erasers, coloring books, a trip to Disney, a lulubelt bag, gymnastics beam, nike shoes,. I will leave you milk and cookies Merry James Grice

I have been extra good this year I would like Nerfguns, , Jeep Logos, , starwars toys, bee gun, book, candy, and for Crhistmiss I will leave you some milk and cookies. I love you, Jack Bozman

I have been extra good this year. I would like a lego treehouse, lego police staition, lego fire Department, phone, lego 2k drive, Supermario bros wander, I will leave you cookies and milk I love you Blayne Smith

I have been extra good this year I would like a iphone, dog, squishmelo, fluffy pen, and a barbie that looks like me for Chrishmas, I will leave you some milk and cookies. I love you Kinley Jeffus

I hope I have been good because I want a bunch of stuff! I want a tablit, a puppy like last or last last year, a tea set, a erase the puppy I want a pony hope you can do that I love you love Larsen Brown

I have been extra good this year. I would like airblocky, Roadhocky, I will leave you some milk and cookies. I love you Lotton Pepper

I have been extra good this year. I would like some Lego rode, a dog, a big Lego city, a cool alech scoter, 2k drive and a big Rc car for Christmas. I will leave you some milk cookies and come cirot, for the raindear. I love you, Mason Orr

I have been extra good this like I wold like a hover bot is red and pink and a barden fony and I will lov you sum cocro milk I love you. Ethen

I have been extra good this year I would like a phone and a puppy a lot of skin care a Stanley makup desk lot’s of makup to a bag of cany squish melos and for Chrismas I will leave you some cookies and milk and carets for your rain deer I want a new books that are chapter books I want a puppy cage. I love you Anna Rae James

I  have been good this year I wouid like a iPhon, Squish melos, Skin Ckor, a gift cord for Starbusk, lot of make up, a bubble squish melos, mor Stanleys, makup desk, mor stick on nels, crop tops, and legeings baby Elf, Chrismis PJS, goothe grils Braslist, lif Spli of gum, a gum ball mushn2 a gungl Jim, I will give you milk and cookies. I love you Bex Allred

I have been extra good this year I would like. Playhouse, cheesematt, squishmello, toy elf, make up, make up bag, Stanley, American girl dolls, pony, puppy, and shool papers for Christmas. I will have you some donuts cookies and milk. Chandler Maddox

I have been extra good this year I would like PS 5, lef, rollacoster, roaddhocky, robo gun and for Christmas. I will leave you some milk and cookies I love you Andrew Matthews

I have been extra good this year. I would like a Magit Mixie, and a JOJ Suppress, doll, Bike, and a iPhone, Bluy house, toy food, pots and pan. For Christmas. I will leave you some milke and cookies. I love you Evie

I have been extra good this year. I would like squishmellow, make up, Stanley, puppy, books, and colling book’s, for Christmas. I will leave you some milk and cookies. I love you, Neely Posey

I have been extra good this year. I would like bike, skin care, Robo bog, big Box so I can make a house and magic micksis and LOL, slime, beam for Chismas I will leave you some milk and cookies I love you Love Olivia

I have been extra good this year. I would like a pfone, magic mixies, slime, beambag, and airpods for Christmas. I will leave you some milk and cookies. I love you, Lucy Hay

I have been extra good this year. I would like Lots Lots Lots of Bubble, Phone, Stanley, BFF braslits, a box of Skincare, a lolo lemon bag, a gold hinge scrett, a gonastics bema, lots lost lost of skincare, a tedy Bear, I love. Mary White.

I have been extra good this year. I would like a heverbord, swingset, four weeler, and more friends, for Christmas. I will leave you some milk and cookies. I love you Kycole Freeman

Dear Santa, I want a transformer, robot, 4 wheeler, zide by zide, and a real jet pack eor Christmas. Love, Aven

Dear Santa, I luv u. merry christmas. i want a ninja costume 4 christmas. please and thank you. Love, Joshua 

Dear Santa, I want a phone, american doll with doll cloths, a barbie with clothes, a doll house, lols, I want squishamellows and tea set, love Gracie

Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a lego and a fish for Christmas. Love, Greyson. 

Dear Santa, I wut a grav digr truc that you frost. I luv u Santa. Love Jett

Dear Santa. I would like a dog, a toy unicorn, a motorcycle and barbs. Love, Maggie

Dear Santa, I want a marble run, dart buster, hotwheel legos. Love Graham. 

Dear Santa, please send me rudolph. I want a pair of skates and motorcycles poease give an elf please bring me a hamster. please send me a bb gun. Love, Brantley

Dear Santa, I would like a paw patrol sea patroller. Love, Jensen Martin

Dear Santa, Thank you. I would like a fighter jet , submarine, battle tanks. Merry Christmas. Love, Owen. 

Dear Santa, I want barbies, lols, balance beam, gymnastic bar, ugly doll, gym mats. Love, Kinsleigh

Dear Santa, a dirt bik, cokes to drink, a whole family, picture together, all the legos. Love, Hudson 

Dear Santa, I want a lego set. I also want A Ryans world toy. I have been a good boy. I want a laser tag toy. Thank you. Love, David

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I would like a new ipad and new Ipod case. I would also like a new bike with a basket and bell. Love, Emma Smith

Dear Santa, I want a barbie drem house and makeup. Love Merritt. 

Dear Santa, I want to know wear did my elf go? I no my mom told me she had to go on a secret mission for you and next year or this year I want it to come back. Love Maris. R. 

Dear Santa, elf, hunting rifel. Love Dawson. 

Dear Santa, I want for Christmas a pokemon snive toy that can talk and a pekuche that also can talk and a have dog. Love Russ. 

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I want a tiny girl baby doll and I want close and I want lipstick and I want a purs and I want sum candy. Love, Maggie Smith

Dear Santa, I want to know if I bein good this year? Santa I want a huvr bord for Chrismis. Santa name if reindeer I cane name sam love, Madilyn. 

Dear Santa, I made you some fresh cookie for you I love my elf so muhh. And Christmas is my fravit holiday. Love Stewart. 

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I will leave you milk and cookies and I hope all of us have a good Chrismtas. Love, Saylor

Dear Santa, I’ve been good this week. I will leave you cookies. I want headbands nellpolles fight toys. Love, Amelia Travis. 

Dear Santa, I want a barbie boat for Chrismtas and a gym barbie and a new barbie dream house. My old barbie dream house is falling apart. Please do not send my mama a bill. When will you send my elf and my brothers elf come. Santa I want darck pink lipstick to and I want some candy hut raely want a breathin baby doll please. Santa I will leave cookies and milk for you. Does Ms. Claus ride with you. Love, Jozalyn Martin. 

Dear Santa, I want a barbie dream house for Christmas please and a gym and the car please. Please do not send my mom a bill please. I want 3 squishmellow. I want them to be big. I am leaving cookie and miik and will you bring my elf and Griffins elf and ant stuff. Love Natalie Green. To Santa Claus from Natalie Green. 

Dear Santa, for Christmas I want a gold hinge skirt, and makeup. I think Iv been pretty good this year. Love Korie Sue. 

Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike for Cristmas and a bow and I want a bell from a reindeer. Love Ryker

Dear Santa, I have been so good this year. I will leve you some cookies and milk. I waldo love christmas and I want a go pro with a sd card and a handle and I also want a speaker with a microphon. Love, Braden. 

Dear Santa, can I have a elf and a puppy and some headphones for Christmas? I will leve some reindeer food for them. Love Macie Cate. 

Dear Santa, I like you. I live you chippy. I no that you are ril my brother thanks that you are not ril but I think you are ril. I love you Santa. Love, William. 

Dear Santa, my name is Addie Box, I am 7 years old. I have been good this year. I will leave carets for the reindeer and milk and cookies for you. Can I please have beads for Christmas. Love Addie Box

Dear Santa, I want a hot wheel and gedr big trac gravdigr launcher tewlsofr. Love, Jack.

Dear Santa, White nerf gun, VR, Red ded redemption 2, diavmclock, legos, mega cyborg hand, smashers Trex, hot wheels, markers, geodes. Love, Raif

Dear Santa, I have been very good. I would like a T-rex, transporter, sniper nerf gun, camo jeep with 10 cup holders, velcro shoes, and a 10 hundred million legos. Love, Jacob Allred

Dear Santa, toy helicopter and medium scooter are 2 things I want please. Love Leos Huose. 

Dear Santa, I would like a phone for Christmas and playdough. Can you take me to the north pole one day. Love, Silas Graves

Dear Santa, ples brig me shw pig set pawpatro aircraft bo and arro and danorsr thak u. Love, Morgan

Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a hoover board, gel blaster gun, legos, can you bring birdie something? Love, Tucker

Dear Santa, how are you doing? I hope that I git a nintindo and nrf gunz and summor minecraft lego. Love, Lawson Bozeman

Dear Santa, I have been a good boy this year for Christmas. I want a real lizard and fish. Thank you. Love, Turner

Dear Santa, I hav bin good this year. Can you bring me a kickball. Love, Marshall

Dear Santa, I have been good. I want a shark toy. Love, Riley. 

Dear Santa, American girl dol, slime, macup, mixi, games, jrey, shos, skootr, desk, boby. Love, Maeve

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I would like a drumset a grinch light and a barbie house. Love, Savannah

Dear Santa, I have been good this year! Please bring me a ferbie, a pony dolls, a baby doll, a manger paint scene, clothes, barbies, books, oranges, candy and gummy bear pen. Love, Abby. 

Dear Santa, I would like a jojo siwa set, lol house, american girl, I pad, playhouse 2, Cat, thank you Santa. Love, Presley McDonald. 

Dear Santa, I luv u. I want a barbe, a gymnastics bar and lol ples. Be kerful. Love Janie. 

Dear Santa, I want pet moose, I want furby, huvrbrd, fisal merican gurl dol, slimfem cat. Love, Kakie

Dear Santa, my name is Emma Roase Lea. I am 6 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like a barbie dream camper. Love, Emma Lea. 

Dear Santa, my name is Caden Stovall. I am 6 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like toy. Love, Caden Stovall. 

Dear Santa, my name is John Tate Legget. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like a toy shotgun. Love, John Tate Legget. 

Dear Santa, my name is Elena Burke, I am 5 years old. I have been nice. I would like cry baby. Love, Elena Burke. 

Dear Santa, my name is Hayes Wilson. I am 6 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like to red camo nerf gun. Love, Hayes Wilson. 

Dear Santa, my name is Lyric Letchworth. I am 6 years old. I have been nice. This Year I would like a skateboard. Love, Lyric Letchworth. 

Dear Santa, my name is Jaxon Beeson. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like a toy shotgun. Love, Jaxon Beeson. 

Dear Santa, my name is Adilynn McGlothin. I am 6 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like cry baby. Love, Adilynn McGlothin. 

Dear Santa, my name is Levi Bishop. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like a marvel set. Love, Levi Bishop. 

Dear Santa, my name is Trevor Greene. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like marvel set. Love, Trevor Greene. 

Dear Santa, my name is Everett King. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like Legos. Love, Everett King. 

Dear Santa, my name is Mila Tanksley. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like makeup. Love, Mila Tanksley. 

Dear Santa, my name is Maddie Walker. I am 6 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like unicorn. Love, Maddie Walker. 

Dear Santa, My name is Waylon Richardson. I am 6 years old. I have been nice. THis year I would like a remote control monster truck. Love, Waylon Richardson. 

Dear Santa, my name is Hayden Ard. I am 5 years old. I have been naughty. This year I would like dinosaur. Love, Hayden Ard. 

Dear Santa, my name is Easton Smith. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like a 3 headed dragon. Love, Easton Smith. 

Dear Santa, my name is London Gama. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like skate board. Love, Landon Gama. 

Dear Santa, my name is Lyza Haley. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like barbie. Love, Lyza Haley

Dear Santa, my name is Ryder Moore. I am six years old. I have been nice. This year I would like a PS4. Love, Ryder Moore. 

Dear Santa, my name is Bella King. I am 5 years old. I have been naughty. This year I would like a bunny. Love, Bella King. 

Dear Santa, my name is Brooklyn Powell. I am 6 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like a baby doll. Love, Brooklyn Powell. 

Dear Santa, my name is Kevin Tate. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like a pawpatrol. Love, Kevin Tate. 

Dear Santa, my name is Blakelynn Shelton, I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like barbie dream house. Love Blakelynn Shelton. 

Dear Santa, my name is Raelyn Wiley. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like xoxo. Love, Raelyn Wiley. 

Dear Santa, my name is Kaya Beeson. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like a color changing mermaid. Love, Kaya Beeson. 

Dear Santa, my name is Ryleigh Smith. I am 6 years old. I have been nice and trying my best. This year I would like bike. Love, Ryleigh Smith. 

Dear Santa, my name is Shyann Reeves. I am 6 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like doll. 

Dear Santa, my name is Kyzar Douglas. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like wheeler. Love Kyzer Douglas. 

Dear Santa, my name is Journee Sanders.  I am 6 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like lol house. Love, Journee Sanders. 

Dear Santa, my name is McKenna Schilling. I am 6 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like make up. Love, McKenna Schilling. 

Dear Santa, my name is Bentlie Smith. I am 6 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like Cook kitchen house playset. Love, Bentlie Smith. 

Dear Santa, my name is Alyzza Thompson. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like phone. Love, Alyzza Thompson.

Dear Santa, my name is Hazel White, I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like to jump rope. Love, Hazel White. 

Dear Santa, my name is McKinley Wilson. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like Ice Cream Truck. Love, McKinley Wilson. 

Dear Santa, Hagen Kirtfiled. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like a pistol BB gun. Love Hagen Kirtfield. 

Dear Santa, my name is Olivia Arevalo. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like an electric car. Love, Olivia Arevalo. 

Dear Santa, my name is Swone Rutland. I am 6 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like mario ghost game. Love, Swone Rutland. 

Dear Santa, my name is Hazelee Rutland. I am 6 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like Camera. Love, Hazelee Rutland. 

Dear Santa, my name is Zander Poisson. I am 6 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like prime. Love, Zander Poisson. 

Dear Santa, my name is Layla Deer. I am 5 years old. I have been trying my best. This year I would like barbie house. Love, Layla Deer. 

Dear Santa, my name is Ellie Kennedy. I am 5 years old. I have been tryingmy best. This year I would like to jump rope. Love, Ellie Kennedy. 

Dear Santa, my name is John Berch. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like dino treasure X. Love, John Berch. 

Dear Santa, my name is Levi Blanchard. I am 5 years old. I have been nice. This year I would like dirt bike. Love Levi Blanchard.