Rep. Becky Currie introduces legislation to create prescription drug program to save residents money

Published 12:50 pm Wednesday, January 31, 2024

BROOKHAVEN — Lincoln County Rep. Becky Currie introduced legislation to require the Mississippi Department of Health to create a Canadian Prescription Drug Importation program Wednesday. House Bill 817 is her 34th piece of legislation this session to either author or co-author. 

The legislation would require MSDH to create a program for the importation of Canadian prescription drugs that have the highest potential for cost savings in Mississippi. HB817 states the prescription drugs would have to be safe and effective. 

Canadian Suppliers are defined as a manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor or pharmacy appropriately licensed or permitted under Canadian law. The Mississippi Department of Health would have to contract with a vendor to provide the services in this program under HB817. 

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By December 1, 2024 and each year thereafter, the vendor would have to compile a list of prescription drugs that have the highest potential for cost savings in Mississippi. Currie’s legislation states the MSDH would have to review the list every three months to make sure it meets the needs of Mississippians and can direct the vendor to revise the list if necessary 

HB817 requires the department to give a report to the governor, house speaker and lieutenant governor each year on the previous fiscal year by Dec. 1. The Mississippi Department of Health would need to get federal approval before starting the program. 

Currie’s legislation was referred to the Drug Policy house committee and Public Health and Human Services house committee.