The source of ultimate power

Published 9:11 am Sunday, February 4, 2024

Hi, all! Just a thought to help start your weekend.

A few short years ago, during several days in France, we traveled from place to place and saw many things. We experienced the coasts of Omaha Beach and others where the infamous D-Day activities took place. We ventured into the Loire Valley, well-known for its generations-old vineyards and wineries. We visited the palace of Versailles, the Eiffel Tower, and the Louvre.

Each of those places, and so many more that we saw, was uniquely different and magnificent. But in order to see each and every one of those sights in about nine days, we had to travel, sometimes hours at a time, into the French countryside. One afternoon as the bus rolled down the roadway out in the middle of nowhere, we saw some of these gigantic structures pictured here. You can probably guess what this is. It is exactly what you think — part of a nuclear power facility.

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To say we were astonished would be an understatement. We had seen many wonderful things, things which were brand new to the vast majority of us in our group. But none of us had ever seen one of these, and I haven’t forgotten it.

We weren’t looking for it. We didn’t expect to find it. And yet, in the middle of everything everywhere was this giant power source. Wow! Did you catch that?

In the middle of my roaming about in this life, when I’m at awe and blown away by so many worldly things that take my attention, when I set my sights on things that have value only on this side of Heaven, right there in the middle of it all sits my Lord with the power to control everything everywhere!

Even when I’m not looking (or maybe, especially when I’m not looking), there He is, right in the middle of nowhere and yet everywhere. The power of my Jesus, of which I am truly in awe! Grab the camera, take notes, don’t miss it as you fly by on life’s highway — the power of the One Who created it all. Take notice. Those moments are worth remembering!

Just a thought. ’Til later.

Brad Campbell can be reached at